LED Lighting?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 29, 2008
Detroit Area
Is it any good?
My dad wants me to look into it and see if its any good for reef tanks. Would it be ok for all corals? They seem expensive so is it worth it?
I'd wait a while. There's a big patent infringement lawsuit brewing that's pretty much put a halt on any good LED lighting for aquariums for the time being. Until it gets figured out in court, I'd shy away from it. And yeah... it's still pretty expensive in my book.
Yeah full LED lighting units from aquarium retailers, for the moment, have come to a hault really. Even though the patent that they say is being infringed on is invaled since the patent only talks about a LED light unit that stimulates marine growth. When LED moonlights came out before they made their patent making the same claims, and if something is already marketed without a patent there can be no patent made for that product but thats another subject all together. However, if you are looking for LED lights for your aquarium you could try the new LED bulbs that have been comming out that fit standard sockets. They make ones that screw into mogul socket Metal hallide fixtures and put out a whole lot more light than a standard 250W metal hallide. The only modifications you have to do is hook a plug straight to the socket and bypass any kind of ballist. You can also get these made in any Kelven rating you want. They retail for about $350 each but most LED's will last over 50,000 hours. Just thought I would throw that idea out there.
I'll look up some information for you as there has been talk about them not being adequate for coral growth at the size/levels they are currently sold at from public aquariums...technology is reinventing itself every day so I would wait awhile before paying such a high price on a product that is hanging in the balance.

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