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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 12, 2013
Hi all.

Whats your opinion around tube types for a planted chilchid tank. I have a choice of:

Power glo
aqua glo
life glo

I can only use 2 of the above. What would be the best to get plant growth and fish colour

First two I have a planted tank with them the plant are growing fast no frets or co2
hi thanks for the reply.

ive been having look at the different tubes and how they look I have decide to go with life glo at the back of the tank but cant decide between power glo or aqua glo for the front what will bring out the colours of my fish best

Currently I have

Red spotted sevrum
green sevrum
gold sevrum
electric blue ram
geophagus surinamensis
bolivian ram

Those fish will DESTROY plants. There is no chance for them to survive. Really big Java fern and anubias MIGHT survive. What size tank are all these fish in?
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