Live food: Blackworm care?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 20, 2011
Allston, MA
Hi all, so I got a scarlet badis a little bit ago, and the lfs recommended live blackworms to feed him. So, I bought a small portion for $4. Turns out a small portion was approximately 1 million worms (which isn't too bad since they're small), but even feeding my entire 40B, I still have tons and tons left. I've tried rinsing the bag every day or so to keep them clean, but removing the water after is very time consuming. I was wondering if there was a better way to keep the blackworms for an extended period of time (they in a ziplock bag in the fridge, atm)?
get a tray that had a large surface area and put no more than one inch of water in it and put ur worms in there. the amount of water shouldn't exceed a quarter of an inch from where the worms top off. even with this, it's suggested that you do a water change every few days. feed sparingly and remove dead worms immediately as they foul the water

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