Mini Carpet Anemone w/ Sexy Shrimp?

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Would "Maxi-mini" Carpet Anemone, Stichodactyla tapetum, be a host for Sexy shrimp?

Do Sexy Shrimp need to host something?

Would these Carpet Anemone have long tentacles?

How long usually? And how far to be away from their neighbors?
Yes it would host the sexies, but no they don't need it they'll find there own little hang out regardless. Yes they are quite dangerous to other corals, and like all nems they will choose where they will be in the tank, so you may want to make sure any corals that you would hate to loose are easily moveable (may not want them in the tank at all honestly) as the nem will wander a little until it finds it's spot. Here's a great read if your considering one :)
I've never heard of sexy shrimp and carpet nems of any sort. Carpets aren't known to host much of anything, though I have heard of white spot or glass anemone shrimp doing so. I'm sure they can as they cover their shell in mucus.

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Yes it would host the sexies, but no they don't need it they'll find there own little hang out regardless. Yes they are quite dangerous to other corals, and like all nems they will choose where they will be in the tank, so you may want to make sure any corals that you would hate to loose are easily moveable (may not want them in the tank at all honestly) as the nem will wander a little until it finds it's spot. Here's a great read if your considering one :)

Mini-Carpets: The Perfect Small Sea Anemones? | Coral Magazine

They look really neat, but considering they are pretty Sting-y I may not want that. I wanted to get Sexy Shrimp and heard these are good for them, and I am not getting a regular Anemone, though the lfs has a really pretty Rainbow for $75 that I admired.

Side note, do the True Percula require/need a host and any suggestions that aren't aggressive or sting-y?
Nope, and they may choose to host your power head in a tank full of BTAs. They're funny little creatures, and will do as they please
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