molly swimming with tail down

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 13, 2006
I have a very nice sailfin sunset molly that is acting unusual. She seems to be swimming with her tail dragging or drooping. Is this indicative of anything wrong?
Is she swimming higher or lower in the tank than usual? Is she eating well? I would suspect gas or swim bladder problems. Might try feeding her some blanched peas and see if it helps.
Thank you, I will try the peas.
She is swimming at her normal levels in the aquarium, but her tail section is drooping, for lack of a better word.
She is eating, but not quite as active as her partners. She is not pregnant that I can tell, as she is not swollen or gravid.
How old is she? If she's young it's probably a swim bladder problem but I know I have an ancient male molly that's just finally catching up with his age and he can't swim that well anymore ...he's almost pushing 4 @__@
She is in a 29 gallon aquarium with 3 other mollies and a few of their babies (maybe 5 1/4-1/2 inch baby fish). They are constantly breeding. I net out most of the babies and feed them to my other fish. The ammonia reading is zero, nitrite is zero, nitrates are about 30 and pH is 7 on the spot.
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