My first nano tank :D

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 18, 2012
I am hopefully purchasing a 6 gallon fluval edge off of craigslist for $60 (retail anywhere from $100-$150). It's not a SUPER great deal, but I'm still happy. I plan on stocking it with a small school of either chili rasboras, ember tetras, or sudadanio axelrodi. I also want cherry red shrimp, as I'm too poor to afford a colony of other variety, unless someone on here can give me a good deal *wink wink, nudge nudge* ANYWAY, my questions are: is it large enough for any cory cats (hasborus, pygmaeus, etc.) and what are some good plant options? I'm not sure on how good the lighting is, but I'm going to try and play it safe and assume its not the best :p I would prefer to shy away from a CO2 system if at all possible. I plan on adding some crypts, and anubias, but after that, I'm not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated :D I don't really have a green thumb when it comes to aquatic plants, but I'm trying!
That sounds a great stock list! I wouldn't do cories in a 6 gallon personally because they like to school. Plant wise you could add moss balls and java fern. I have 4 cherries and 4 anamo but the anamo weren't cheap! Anyway cherries are very pretty and I think for their price they are a must have! Their colouring is beautiful and they breed really easily! Good luck :D
That's what I figured :/ just wanted to make sure :) I'm thinking about doing mostly crypts because they can be planted and are low light (if I'm not mistaken), and use some larger rocks rather than driftwood. My main tank is amber colored from my driftwood, even though it was in a different tank for a year plus and has been in my tank for 4 months. It's too big to boil too :/ I think I wanna do a school of ember tetras and chili rasboras, go for that "fire, earth, water, and air" feel
Yeah. For some reason if I ever get an upgrade I quite like the ideas of smaller tanks of 60 gallon tanks!
My main tank is a 39 gallon column, and I'd love to upgrade, but a bigger tank means WAY more money, time, space, and weight (on the second story of my parents house). So I figured a nano tank would be fun lol I will also add a scarlet badis once my shrimp colony has had a chance to start breeding, so that he can be the population control lol I'm still debating on what to do as a centerpiece though
Picked up the tank today, it was in pretty decent shape, have it soaking in a vinegar solution, as well as the filter and its components. The seller told me he replaced the normal halogens with LEDS, but I don't know for sure, either way I will probably replace them soon

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