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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 30, 2012
West by God Virginny
Husband gave in and accepted my need for four tanks and bought me this for an early gift.

Aside from the rock-hat that the stump is wearing to make it sink, I think it's coming along. Need more color. I have a red tiger lotus coming in the mail. Going to nuke that wisteria now that I'm cycled in favor of...something. Val and Camboba should fill in nicely, I hope.


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Looks Great!! Whatcha' going to put in there?

I could use some suggestions for one or two more plants. I started with cardinals, a sunset honey gourami, and black skirts.

Hoping to add 6 panda cories and an apisto. New to apistos so I'm excited. Been bugging everybody on the cichlid forum for a month. Haven't decided on the variety yet.

I've got two tiny little angels in there that'll go in my 55 when quarantine is over. They're so cute when they're wee.
I could use some suggestions for one or two more plants. I started with cardinals, a sunset honey gourami, and black skirts.

Hoping to add 6 panda cories and an apisto. New to apistos so I'm excited. Been bugging everybody on the cichlid forum for a month. Haven't decided on the variety yet.

I've got two tiny little angels in there that'll go in my 55 when quarantine is over. They're so cute when they're wee.

Camboda is a nice plant, it's fluffy :brows:
Uh...really? I did it. I'm not half the aquascaper that most of you all are. Thank you!

Your welcome! And believe me all the members here that know me will tell you I'm so picky when it comes to aqua scaping, and you did a great job in my eyes.

You should be very proud.

Love the black sand, the placement of the rocks (not over kill) and the placement of the driftwood, how it's a little off center making look natural and not just place there if that makes sense.
Your welcome! And believe me all the members here that know me will tell you I'm so picky when it comes to aqua scaping, and you did a great job in my eyes.

You should be very proud.

Love the black sand, the placement of the rocks (not over kill) and the placement of the driftwood, how it's a little off center making look natural and not just place there if that makes sense.

Well, thanks again! Now if I can just get that stump to sink, and let the plants fill in, I think I'll be underway. Finally getting why "plant people" enjoy the flora as much as or more than the fauna.
Great tank! What lights do ya have? And for stocking, how bout
3 apistogramma agazii double red (1 m 2f)
6 Cory's
10 tetras
6 danios
Great tank! What lights do ya have? And for stocking, how bout
3 apistogramma agazii double red (1 m 2f)
6 Cory's
10 tetras
6 danios

Thank you!

I've got a Coralife T5HO with 10,000 & 6,700k. From what I'm learning, that particular fixture is higher medium light.

I've got some black skirts in my 55g that will take up residence here. I've got cardinals, a honey gourami and am planning on a school of panda cories. I'd like an apisto but I'm carefully watching my rams in the other tank to be sure they don't need to be separated. This being a new tank I'd have to wait a while anyway to transfer a ram, but it's still a good backup. I'm a bit of an under-stocker. I don't feel like I want to mix rams and apistos, being new to dwarf cichlids. I'll be interested to hear how yours do!
Actually, I have a teeny little creek beside my house, so I got the bigger ones there. I have no idea what they are made up of, though. I got the pebbles from my own yard.

The rock I'm using to hold down the stump is from a LFS but it'll be gone eventually.
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