Natives with Goodieds

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 26, 2013
I am in the process of purchasing a group of fry Zoogoneticus Tequila Goodieds. Like most goodieds they are very interested in their own kind and typically ignore nonproblematic tankmates. Seeing that these fish are extinct in the wild and pricey I don't want to take a lot of chances with them. I am getting a group of 6. My plan is to add a small group, 6m-3f Least Killies and eventually once everyone gets sizable 4-6 Gold Topwater Minnows-Fundulus Chrysotus. I'm also stocking a good size group of neocardia shrimp as a clean up crew. The tank is a 30L and will have a mix of sand and gravel substrate with a good amount of stone work, Java Moss and 2-3 peices of driftwood. I will also be adding dwarf lettus as a floating plant.

I also considered adding Blue Fin Killies instead of the Gold Topwaters, but I have doubts about how stable that population would be as they are shy and can be problems to feed. All feedback welcome.
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