Natural light effect on tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 28, 2009

Does natural light intensity have any effect on the tank (with plants).
I am asking as i wonder if my tank would be fine in my conservatory?
(I live in scotland, so generally not too bright!!;))


ChuckBay :king:
I have a tank that gets about 2 to 3 hours of sunlight in the morning, the only adverse effect is the plants grow faster in it than any other non CO2 tank I have. Since it is very heavily planted there doesn't seem to be much algae either.
+2 on the natural sunlight. My 75 SW is in my kitchen by big windows and I love the way the LR is popping out with new growth of "things". I might not get as much since the glass is tempered, but when the windows are open it gets full force. Chaeto grows well with it also, and like algae !!!
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