Need help ASAP!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 4, 2003
Well my favorite fish Fred the Cheek tang is all but dead. About a week ago I noticed a couple wierd white fuzzy spots on him. I figured it to be some type of fungus infection and made sure to add extra vitamins to his food and keep and eye on it. It didn't seem to get much better or worse and he kept eating and acting totally normal so I thought he could overcome it on his own. Last night he looked a little worse but still not bad so I got some Maracyn at work today.

When I got home he looked real bad, I got him out and he's about dead but I'm still dripping him into a hospital tank..... I've heard people say to doulbe the dose on Maracyn two, do I double the dose on this as well?

I almost gave up this hobby when I tank overheated a couple months back and I lost about 15 acros.....I"m finally getting back into things full swing and now my favorite fish is probably going to die so I may really be done this time.
Doesn't matter now...he just died. I can't belive he went from acting totally normal and eating like a pig yesterday to dead today. I"m so tired of this hobby, I do everything by the book hospital tanks, Q tank, amonia/nitrite is always 0, nitrate is always below 5, salinty constant 1.025 and I just have problem after problem after problem.
Sorry to hear about you fish and your troubles. I think most of us have been there at one time or another. This hobby can be as frustrating as it is rewarding. Keep your chin up...Better days are ahead. Lando
I understand your frustration. It is so difficult because despite all of your efforts, it does not guarantee success. I hate when things are out of my control. I have been there and almost gave it up, but it can be very rewarding.

Sorry for the loss of your favorite fish.

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