Not sure about it.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 13, 2013
My 4 goldfish seemed to be having a hard time staying down at the bottom for about 2 days. I thought maybe i'm over analyzing until i noticed they were trying to scavenge at the bottom and their butt would act like a balloon an start to bring them up. I thought it would be best to just go with the pea option to rule out swim bladder. I fed them peas and now they seem so much better. But their poop is a black color. I was wondering if thats normal.
I believe that is normal for peas to do that, but Idk for a fact. Any other problems with the water or anything that could result in that behavior?
Are you still keeping four or five goldfish in a 10g? Black waste is not normal unless you are feeding them something that is black in color.
They've been moved to a 20g until i have the 75g ready
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