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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 9, 2008
Wahiawa, HI
I now have two of them. It's nice for my FW tank that has smaller fish. Had the wife hold the Betta Bowl top on the back, can't see him well until I paint the back of the aquarium.


I love otos! Both cute and also very practical (especially great if you have "brown algae" i.e. diatoms).
I just got the 3, they are doing good even in my not perfect water parameter tank(is now though). I got them for free with store credit, but they go for $2.40 at the LFS

I had read many things where people had issues with many dying. The ones I got I believe were at the LFS for ~2wks to 1month at least(only 3 they had), so I felt more confident.

I hope you and I have good luck with them, as well as everyone else.

They are nice cute/little/great fish
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