PLEASE HELP- Overcrowded 20 gallon, switch to 29 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 17, 2013
Hi Everyone,

Let me first say I know that everyones initial reaction will be that I have been keeping an overcrowded tank, but I would just like some constructive suggestions here please, no criticism.

I have a 20 gallon hexagon tank that I have been keeping 1 firemouth cichlid, 1 angel, 2 tiger barbs, 1 red tail shark, and one small bottom cat feeder. I have had this tank for years, and everything is pretty peaceful in there.

However I have a 29 gallon horizontal tank that I am going to switch the fish over to. With this assortment of fish stock, could i or should i add anything else? Also, for future planting of this aquarium, are these types of fish generally pretty destructive of plants?

Please give me opinions and suggestions. THANKS!!
I'd say some fish folks will have to be rehomed. Angels need a 29 for a single fish with no one else. Tiger Barbs need a school/shoal of 6-10 and they need a 29 gallon by themselves maybe with a few other bottom feeders cory or such. Tiger Barbs tend to nip fins and drive everyone crazy. Cichilds need to be with cichilds in their own tank. they need a 55 gallon tank, the angels too realistically they grow very big. Spread your hand all fingers apart. About that big. I would pick who you want to keep, then maybe build around that.
People keep overstocked tanks all the time. It isn't advised since it requires more maintenance, care, and doesn't always end well, but if you've kept it for years I'm assuming you kept up with your water changes and have kept a good eye on it.

As far as switching to a 29, why not? They're in the 20 as it is now, a 29 will offer some more space for them.

Some people say firemouths are terrors, but my firemouth is the most passive fish in my tank.

What surprises me is the red tail, which is a fish I avoided because I read a lot of stories of it becoming super-aggressive. If you've had it for several years then you may have lucked out with a docile red tail.

As far as plants, generally people say you can't keep plants with cichlids, however some have had success with the usual java fern/anubias tied down, and sometimes amazon swords. I currently have all 3 in my tank that's been setup for a few months and it's been good so far, the only thing is my convict will uproot my anacharis stems from time to time and I'll have to place them back. If it continues I'll either take them out or try to rubber band 2-3 stems together to make it tougher for her to rip them out.

Of course, all advice is to be taken with a grain of salt, but I wouldn't add anything than what you already have in there.

Also, any pics? This sounds like an interesting aquarium you have setup.
Exactly, I keep the tank cleaned well, and it seems the first person to reply here didnt notice I had written that things are peaceful in this tank, as unorthodox of a stock it holds. My firemouth is female and very docile, the two barbs stay out of everyone elses way.. The only agression in the tank comes from the red tail who stupidly tries to chase barbs around sometimes until he gets tired and gives up. I just wanted to switch from the hex tank to the slightly bigger rectangle tank, though I am worried it will stir up the balance of between the fish with the different layout
I'll try and put some pictures up as this is a pretty interesting group of fish. Quick story, I live in New England and if you do too you will remember the freak ice storm we had last october that knocked out power in some places for weeks. I think I would have had to watch all my fish die in front of me if luckily my dorm at school still had power. What I ended up doing was transporting all my fish together in a tiny little beer cooler to my school where I had them covered in darkness with just a heater and a bubbler for a whole week! They all survived and are still here with me in the hex tank! they are defianetly special lol
Don't you just love storms. I bought a battery air supply for just such emergencies. We loose power all the time. Check on Amazon. I also saw it suggested on here to add plastic bottles of hot water to tank to keep it warm. I bought hand warmers. Those things that hunters use. I will activate one and put it in a plastic tube sealed really well to keep the tank warm.
Hmm... Oh boy.

In the 29 gallon all should be fine except the Shark. Red Tailed Sharks minimum needed space is a 55 gallon long.
I'd suggest getting rid of it.
Angels need 10 gallons, everything else sounds fine IMO
But then again, if you'd had it for a long time and it's fine.... I guess the tank is enough for the shark to stay alive, but not thrive.

Honestly though, I've done my research on angels. One angel per 10 gallons unless you're planning on breeding.

So all should be fine in that 29 gallon . Just don't add more fish. Can you use BOTH aquariums at once? If some are separated, you might be able to buy a couple more fish.
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