Power outage!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 31, 2011
There's a power outage where I live and it won't be fixed for another few hrs I have 2 tanks and their temperatures are getting cold one tank is at 75 and one is 76. What Can I do ?? Will they die if it gets too cold ?????
I wouldn't worry about it if it's only off for a few hours. Water will hold it's temperature for a while. You could however, cover the tanks with blankets to slow down any heat loss.
Not sure... Would putting warm water in the tank help???? Hopefully someone comments......

Not yet ... though that is an option. If a few hours become overnight ... then maybe look to do a PWC with warm water.

Not sure what stock the OP has, but some tropical fish do fine in room temp water (66F - 68F) When temps get lower than that, then you have to start worrying.

Unless the OP has a backup battery / generator to power a heater ... conserving the tank's heat with blankets is the best bet for now.
There's a power outage where I live and it won't be fixed for another few hrs I have 2 tanks and their temperatures are getting cold one tank is at 75 and one is 76. What Can I do ?? Will they die if it gets too cold ?????

I should've asked this before ... is your home heating electric, do you still have heat? If you still have heat, then keeping your home at 68F - 70F will keep your fish alive.

If not .. then covering the tanks with blankets will do for now.
Hearing is off its about 70 in here now. I put bags of hot water in the tank got now
I wouldn't worry too much. My brother-in-law's Cherry Barbs and Guppies made it through a night not too long ago and had no heater. The water got down to about 67°.
They should be fine as the heat loss from the tank is gradual, most shrimp/fish can withstand gradual temperature shifts, sudden/rapid temperature shifts are more of a concern. The bags with warm water should be more than sufficient, just stick to the bags don't try to add warm water directly as this can change the water temperature a few degrees if you don't match the water temperature and gradually go up in heat.

Depending on how long the power is off and how low the temperature gets you may want to turn the light on and turn the heater down to match the temp and gradually increase it back to normal. Good luck and I hope all is well once the powers back.
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