RO/DI Reverse Osmosis Install and Questions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2005
Hey all, I am reposting this question under the Hardware / Equipment Section. Seems to be more appropriate.

My RO/DI Unit just arrived from FilterDirect. I am so excited to get this thing hooked up and finally giving my tank what it needs! I understand how to hook up the Cold Water Feed, Pressurized tank, and Line outs to the Faucet (before DI stage) and dispensing valve (after DI stage).

I am having trouble determining where to tap into my Drain Line. There doesn't seem to be much plumbing under the sink to give me any options. I attached a picture of it. Can anyone please offer some suggestions? It is weird cause my straight tube under the sink is metal, and not PVC. Then it goes right into the bends, which won't allow me to tap in properly.

Thanks for any help!


Another Question: RO/DI Water comes from the Cold water pipe. Can I put this directly into my tank, or do I need to let it get to room temperature first? I'm talking for 2-3 gallon top off for evaporation.
i have the same thing. what i did was.

1) tapped into the pvc using a cordless drill ratther than the hole punch that came with the product.

2) went to home depot got a saddle type thing that i could run the tubing into.

if you decide to remove the device from that drain all i need to do is get a rubber pipe wrap thing and all sealed, if worse comes to worse it's easier to replace the pvc than the copper pipe.


:eek: Thanks Mark. Where did you tap into the PVC? I am going to run to Home Depot tomorrow and see if they have any suggestions. Will look for the "saddle" type connection...

I have a cordless drill, so halfway there. :)

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