Sea Horse Help

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 15, 2004
I purchased a tank raised Hippocampus Reidi from Pacific East Coast Aqua Culture. It arrived yesterday and after a 30 min floating tempature acclimation and than a 1 hour drip acclimation I added it to my 24 gallon office nano-reef. The only other tennants to the tank are a Percula Clownfish and Purple firefish. My question concerns feeding. This morning I tried some frozen mysis shrimp soaked in SeaChem Garlic Guard.

I put the shrimp in a pipette and squirted it right in front of the sea horse. After a good number of squirts and lots of shrimp floating around I finally gave up. The sea horse had little to no interest in the shrimp and ate nothing. It is very round and plump so I am sure it is well fed. Should I wait a while before feeding it again or do they typically start eating shortly after arrival. Any tips to techniques to get them eating?
if you just added it I wouldn't be too worried. With most things they may not feed right after being added. If it continues for a couple days I would be concerned. I would just add only a small amount and see if it feeds. if it feeds, add a more a little at a time until it's had it's fill. If it doesn't don't add any more as it will just add to your water waste.
Macman, I hope your seahorses fair for you . I dont know much about them but I have to strongly encourage you to attend a meeting in Vienna VA on Feb 25th. An industry expert on seahorses will be there giving a lecture on their breeding and care. More info can be found on the home page under the events calendar.

I really - really wanna attend that meeting, and Im sure if I did FAMA may want a small story about it perhaps. Vienna is about 3.5 hours from me and my best friend has a house in springfield, va miles from vienna. im hoping to attend.
If you plan on writtnig something as im sure you know please be sure to talk with the leadership of WAMAS as well as Jorge himself. Its only polite to make sure they are aware and have their permission to do such a thing.
yeah, i dont know that they would "for sure" want to do that, I would have to contact my editor before I do anything. i wanna be sure I can attend first.
Yeah, is a good palce. At this very second though the forum is going under some maintenance and not up.

It could just be a little stressed, common with most fish ecspecially seahorses. Also be aware the clown may stress it at some point possibly.

What is the tank like? I'm hoping since you got one you know all the possible little things that can harm or stress them.
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