Small seed like insects floating in tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 13, 2012

I recently set ip a cold water minnow/ and crayfish tank for fish I cought In a river by me. I recently noticed small brown seed like insects floating in my tank. I noticed that my fish have been itching themselves on a rock alot.


If anyone could help it would be great thank you
They look like they may be some type of water bug. Are they still alive? I would just scoop them out and dispose of them. Are the fish from the river or a lfs? What do your parameters read? Did you cycle the tank before adding them? Some more info will help!
They look like they may be some type of water bug. Are they still alive? I would just scoop them out and dispose of them. Are the fish from the river or a lfs? What do your parameters read? Did you cycle the tank before adding them? Some more info will help!

They are dead that I can see. I take them out when I find them, but they seem to keep appearing. The fish are from a river so I expect that they would have a parasite. The parameters all read good, and the tank was cycled.
Thank you for reply
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