Starting over, the right way this time!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 16, 2013
Vero Beach, Florida
After too much bad advice from my LFSs and losing almost all of my fish , I have decided to retry.

I will cycle the tank this time. I am attempting to cycle with some fish in it. I have 3 dalmation mollies, 2 black mollies, 1 zebra danio and 2 algae eaters left, and no where else to put them.

I will still use my Marineland Penguin 200 filter, and will get the filter sponge so I don't lose so many fish to the intake. I also have attached an Eheim Pro 2 canister filter as well. I dont like the intake it came with, its a plastice tube with holes in the side, doesnt seem effective to me. I need to get longer hoses, as well, so I can sit it on the floor, but for now it is running and (hopefully) filtering well. I plan on using both.

The Penguin filter has the activated carbon inside the filter pads. In the Eheim I have EHFILAV (volcanic rock) which says it offers adhesive surface for bacteria to decompose harmful substances. It also has EHFI SUBSTRAT which says it is sintered glass? and says that it is ideal for the colonization of nitrifying bacteria colonies.

Should I add anything else? Take something out etc??

I'm going to go get some more decorations and make the tank look good, and add hiding spots now, rather than stress the fish later.

Would live plants help? Can they help aid in the cycle process, as well as the maintaining stage?

I will say, I apologize to everyone for just filling my tank, throwing a filter on the side and buying a whole lot of fish. I never knew about this "cycle" period, and thought fish were a lot simpler to care for.

I now realize I shouldn't have gotten so many fish at once, I got right around 30 in about 2 weeks time. I was unaware of the potential ammonia spikes due to increased waste amounts, and was all too aware of the $1 a fish sale at my LFS.
One of my problems is (and I'll be honest) I dont make a heck of a lot of money. So free fish tank and stand, plus filter on sale with a rebate, plus sale fish meant START FILLING!!!

As I am going to get something with beneficial bacteria in it, add it to my tank, and hopefully get this ball rolling in a good direction!!
Some of us learn the hard way, it's true. Oh well. Did you get test kits ? You will need testing kits for the water. API makes a master kit with the most essential ones, cheaper than buying separately. I hear Amazon has a good price on them.

If you are getting some mature media or filter rinsings from another filter, that will vastly speed the cycle of your filter. But the fish will also cycle it, it just takes longer. Be aware, since they have been exposed to too much ammonia, they are not likely to live too long. The damage done by ammonia is permanent, and shortens lives drastically where it does not kill outright.

Read the fish in cycle info, it tells you all you need to know about when to change water etc. Be patient, if you can't get media to speed it up, it takes as long as it takes. Just keep testing and changing water 'til it's done. If you are planning to buy one of the products that claims to instantly cycle or speed cycle a tank also be aware, they are pretty spotty on delivering what they promise. Some work, many don't and none I've heard of actually instant cycle. Not worth the money, but that's my opinion only.

Live plants will certainly help. Get low light ones to start with, like swords, java fern, anacharis. They are tough, the last one grows fast, and they add bacteria, though not necessarily the BB, beneficial bacteria, you need for the filter. But they still help, if only by using up some ammonia and nitrate themselves for food.
The media in the Eheim is fine as it is. Good quality, Eheim.

But I'd get some sponge and floss for the Penguin, rather than the inserts sold for it. Cheaper, last MUCH longer, work better. Can be cleaned easily, in tank water, not tap water. Squeeze and rinse, replace in filter. Cut to fit if the sponge is the wrong shape or size.. does not matter if it is in pieces either. If there is room you can add ceramic media in a mesh bag, but since you have the Eheim, I would stick to sponge and some floss to polish the water.

They also don't have any carbon in them, which is a waste unless you really need it. It takes out odours, colours or some kinds of medication. You add it 'til it's done the job, then take it out again. The space is much better used for bio media unless there is a specific need for carbon.
Im going to get a test kit on Friday (payday). I have no mature media or filter rinsings as you said, so it will take as long as it needs to.

What do you mean sponge and floss?

You say the carbon is used for odours, my tank water does have a smell coming off of it. Nothing horrible or too strong, but its there. I guess it smells like a fish tank? lol'
I still cant believe I got most of this for free, I just wish the knowledge came with it heh
Odours, sorry, Canadian spelling. Means if the water really reeks.. like a swamp. Can be caused by anaerobic decomp' going on under the gravel, often caused by overfeeding. Colour might be from driftwood or leaves. The so called 'black water' fish like water full of tannins from wood and leaves, which makes it very dark coloured. Wood leaches for a long time, so if you really don't care for the colour, carbon will take it out. Soaking wood for a good long time helps cut the tannins. Months in a bucket, or you can boil it, which will speed it up a bit. Or use fake wood and avoid the issue entirely.

Sponge is literally that. Sponge made to be used in filters. Most fish stores sell some kind of replacement sponges, or even no name sponges. Aqua Clear filters use a nice one, if you can get one of those for the larger size AC, like the AC 70 [ aka AC 300] that's perfect. Even some cleaning sponges may be ok but you have to be so careful about making sure they don't have any antifungal or antibacterial or soap in them, and many are so finely textured they just clog up in no time.

Floss is just polyester batting, similar to that used to stuff pillows. So long as it has no fungicide or any other treatment in in it to keep it 'fresh' longer, any sort of poly floss is ok. Some buy bags of pillow stuffing at Walmart. Just be sure it does not say it was treated to stay fresh.

Both are very good filter media. Sponge grows the BB, floss also grows it. Sponge can last for years and years and years, with regular rinsing. Only replace when it literally begins to disintegrate. Floss will start to get raggedy after some time, weeks or months. So long as it's not falling to total shreds you can reuse it. Some replace it every time but I don't like to waste it, and it does grow bacteria too. I use blobs of it to seed new filters when I need to, works fine.
I will look for the sponge on friday. About the floss. Should I just put that into the filter and if so, before the sponge or between the sponge and the bio wheel?

And just to make sure, if i get the sponge and floss I wont need to get the replacement cartridges?
Right. No cartridges if you use sponge and floss. In my filter, it's sponge first and floss last, but whatever works in the filter is fine.

You'll probably have to cut the sponge to fit the shape or space in your filter. I use a different brand, Aqua Clear, but If the cartridges fit, no reason you can't make a sponge fit. Floss can go on top, or behind it, whatever works.
I notice you were talking about adding fish in your post. Be sure to CYCLE your tank before you ADD any fish. It will harm them or potentially kill them if done wrong.
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