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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 13, 2012
Long Island, New York
65 gallon, moderately planted, almost double the amount of required filtration (may also add uv sterilizer)
1 red tailed shark
2 African butterfly fish
13 tiger barbs
1 Leopard Ctenopoma
1 gourami (not positive which)
6 boesemani rainbows

How does this sound?
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Seems fine...I'd personally only have the barbs or the rainbows as you'd still have a very active tank but would have a reduced chance of bioload and territory issues.
The tiger barbs would likely harass the heck out of the butterflies, and will quickly become food for the growing Ctenopoma. You could try a Senegal bichir, mine goes wonderfully with my African butterfly and leopard Ctenopoma. Remember that the Ctenopoma is a predator with a large mouth.
Also, make sure that with such strong filtration, the flow is peaceful enough on the surface for the butterflies, as they don't like strong currents.
The tiger barbs would likely harass the heck out of the butterflies, and will quickly become food for the growing Ctenopoma. You could try a Senegal bichir, mine goes wonderfully with my African butterfly and leopard Ctenopoma. Remember that the Ctenopoma is a predator with a large mouth.

I have the current hooked up so it's nice and relaxed. Also I currently have the Ctenopoma ad he's very small (less than 2 inches) would a tiger barb really be that "edible." And I was thinking about doing a large amount of tiger barbs so they don't harass other fish
I had a school of 12 tiger barbs to curb their aggression, but they still harassed my very large gouramis and angelfish. At that size the Ctenopoma is peaceful, but in a few months or so it will be big enough to eat any fish smaller than its mouth.
I had a school of 12 tiger barbs to curb their aggression, but they still harassed my very large gouramis and angelfish. At that size the Ctenopoma is peaceful, but in a few months or so it will be big enough to eat any fish smaller than its mouth.

Do you think a full grown Ctenopoma could eat a tiger barb considering they would be the smallest fish in the tank
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