Tank exposed to sunlight?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 8, 2017
I have recently set up a 90 gallon freshwater tank in my home. I have a 54 gallon corner tank as well. When transferring some of the fish to my 90 gallon, all did not go well. I felt as though I took every precautionary measure to ensure the transition would be smooth and low stress. My tiger silver dollars broke out with a fin disease. I treated that and thought I was on the right path until last night when all of the fish seemed to go to the top of the tank almost as if they couldn't breathe. I noticed that during the day the tank is exposed to some sunlight. Could this be an issue? :fish2:
Sunlight usually = green water and algae. But I have never read that it would deplete oxygen. How are you oxygenating your water? Are you running Co2?

I am running an airstone in the tank so oxygen should be plenty. It's strange because the fish look really good. I just did another water test so I'm guessing that it is running it's normal cycle and the ammonia is spiking. Combining that with the ich or fin rot has created a bad situation in the tank.:facepalm:
I am running an airstone in the tank so oxygen should be plenty. It's strange because the fish look really good. I just did another water test so I'm guessing that it is running it's normal cycle and the ammonia is spiking. Combining that with the ich or fin rot has created a bad situation in the tank.:facepalm:
Did you add the fish before the tank was cycled?

Warm water won't hold oxygen as well as cooler water. But, it would take direct sunlight a very long time to raise the temperature in a 90 gallon tank. When was the last time you changed a significant amount of tank water? Could be all the tank needs is a larger than average water change. Most tank problems can be solved with something as simple as an aggressive water change routine. 50 percent weekly isn't too much.

I agree with BBradbury. If you have an air stone it's likely the ammonia. If you have Seachem Prime dose that and do some water changes to bring the ammonia down.

Sunlight will cause you algae problems more than anything else. A tank this size shouldn't experience hardly any temperature change unless it's heater related.

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