Updated Stocking Strategy 75G

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 27, 2012
Windsor, Ontario
This is my plan for stocking my 75G tank.

Please, Please, Please let me know whats good, whats not and what changes I should consider.:confused:

Phase I) Easy and Cheap
10 Espei or Harlequin Rasbora (should I get more?)

Phase II) Easy and Reasonably Priced
2 Angelfish (better in singles or 2-3's?)
5 American Flag Killifish (Not sure about these. Should I rather get a few different Rainbows e.g. Dwarf Neon/Praecox/Celebes Rainbos - and add in Phase 3)

Phase II) Easy and Could Be Expensive (shop around)
6 Boesemani Rainbow Fish

Phase IVa) Moderately Challenging
5 Clown Loaches (I will be upgrading to a larger tank later)
Phase IVb)
4 Keyhole Cichlid (are they better in singles?)
If I should keep Keyholes in singles, then:
- ADD 1 Dwarf Ram (Blue or Bolovian) (does the RAM like colder water???)
- OR 1 Cockatoo
- OR 1-2 Honey/Pearl/Blue Gourami (aqadvasor says they stress the Rasbosa?)
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I don't think the tanks large enough for clown loaches IMO. And gouramis and angels maaayyyy not work, but I'm not sure. :)
This is my plan for stocking my 75G tank.

Phase I) Easy and Cheap
10 Harlequin Rasbora (should I get more?)

Phase II) Easy and Could Be Expensive (shop around)
6 Boesemani Rainbow Fish

I like some of your choices.

I'd say do a combo of the two above... maybe even do 4 Boesemani and 4 Denison Barbs? Although the Rainbows and Denisons can get up to 6 inches .. I'd imagine you'd start out with around 2 inch juveniles and they would need a couple of years to reach their full size ... it'll work if you are planning to upgrade to larger tank than the 75G later on.

Just my input.
Thanks for the input guys. I went to Fantastic Fins yesterday and got 1000 more ideas. I'll let you know what strategy #3 looks like! LOL
Sorry. This was posted incorrectly. I had intended to remove the clown loaches. HERE is strategy 3.0....

Thanks guys. Here is my plan 3.0 Please keep the comments coming...

Some phases below have a choice of a, b or c, in order of my preference but my final selection will depend on price/availability,
Phase I) Easy and Cheap
10 Espei (should I get more?)
OR 10 Harlequin Rasbora

Phase II) Easy and Reasonably Priced
6 Dwarf Neon Rainbows (4cm) (Melanotaenia Praecox Rainbows),
OR 6 Glossolepis Pseudoincisus (6cm) (Millenium Rainbow)

Phase III) Easy and Could Be Expensive (shop around)
6 Boesemani Rainbow Fish (Melanotaenia boesemani) (7cm) (all males or 2 males and 4 females),
OR Melanotaenia trifasciata (8cm) (Goyder River) Banded Rainbow.

Phase IVa) Moderately Challenging
6 Yoyo loaches,
OR 10 Synodontis petricola or similar catfish

Question: In the absence of loaches, will shrimp be able to survive the mix described above, or will they rapidly become lunch?

Phase IVb) More aggressive fish last
3-4 Pearl Gouramis
OR, I’d love a Cichlid centerpiece but can’t seem to find one that’s colourful and large-ish yet peaceful enough to live with my other fish.
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They're gorgeous and colorful. I messed up and put them in my tank first though. When I finish stocking I'll be putting them in last.
I love fantastic fins! I have stocked 90% of my 72 bow front from them.
I have 6 fork tail blue eye rainbows in with my rams and apoistogrammas and it works great. For the most part they swim on the top part of the tank which is nice. Also love my sterbai corys! I picked up some apoistogramma orange flash from fantastic about 2 months ago and they have spawned twice.
I had to put up a separation screen to protect the mom and her babies. So fun! Looks like I have about 30, 2 week old fry :)
Spawning. That's great. I'm planning a trip to FF in two weeks time. I may consider an apisto or two. How did they get along with the other fish?
Update - the planned phases got a bit mixed up and here is the result so far:
10 Harlequin Rasboras
A few Ghost shrimp
6 Emerald Cory's
8 Sterbai Corys
4 Australian Rainbows
4 Red rainbows

To follow:
Phaae 3:
Boesemani rainbows
Turquoise rainbows
Phase 4 (still undecided):
Centerpiece fish e.g. Ram, Apistogramma, Pearl gourami, Angel,???
they get along great! Here is my list

72 bow front - lots of plants and drift wood

6 forktail blue eyes
3 otos
2 golden rams
2 apistogramma viejita
2 apistogramma orange flash
1 zebra snail
1 tiger snail
2 Aspidoras albater
4 sterbai cory
2 burmese rosy loach - love these!
1 humming bird tetra
4 peacock gudgeon
Tina1629 said:
they get along great! Here is my list

72 bow front - lots of plants and drift wood

6 forktail blue eyes
3 otos
2 golden rams
2 apistogramma viejita
2 apistogramma orange flash
1 zebra snail
1 tiger snail
2 Aspidoras albater
4 sterbai cory
2 burmese rosy loach - love these!
1 humming bird tetra
4 peacock gudgeon

Interesting sounding fish. I must research them to find out more. Thanks for sharing.
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