What fish would go well?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 26, 2013
Hello I have a 35 gal tank and its been up and running for 2-3 months one of my fish have died from dropsy and I'm just wondering what will go well with a goldfish comet? Would a snail go well? I just don't want my big fish to be lonely

Thank you
I have heard snails do not go well unless they are far bigger than can fit in the fish's mouth. Also heard a rumor that they may attach to a goldfish while it sleeps and suck its slime coat off. I'd try white cloud minnows. Also maybe certain types of plecos. I cant remember which are ok though so be sure to find out first!!! Plecos may attach to the fish as it sleeps as well i heard on the grapevine somewhere...? Be sure the minnows cant be caught by your goldfish too though!
Comets aren't really tank fish. They need ponds.

How many fish are in the tank now ?

Comets can get a foot or more and live over 25yrs with good care.

Watch Ammonia levels and Nitrates !

I would rehome your Comet unfortunately.

35g isn't big enough even for 2 Fancies long term.
You can try bristle nose pelcos with your goldfish as long as you have a heater. I have a common pleco In with my fancy goldfish doesn't try and suck its slime coat off.
Hello I have a 35 gal tank and its been up and running for 2-3 months one of my fish have died from dropsy and I'm just wondering what will go well with a goldfish comet? Would a snail go well? I just don't want my big fish to be lonely

Thank you

Comets don't school so you CAN keep one on its own. Because they grow large and produce a lot of ammonia, you SHOULD keep it on its own (unless you gave a pond)
Train him to eat from your hand, and give him things to do- I give mine small blanched broccoli florets which he spends ages shaking, trying to rip bits off. Unfortunately I have to keep his tank bare-bottomed so I can keep it clean (its way too small and I have to do water changes every 2 days) otherwise I'd give him plants etc.
another thing I do to keep him busy, is drop some frozen blood worms in. The powerheads blow them around and he goes nuts trying to catch them :lol:
You can try bristle nose pelcos with your goldfish as long as you have a heater. I have a common pleco In with my fancy goldfish doesn't try and suck its slime coat off.

I would not recommend ANY Pleco. They are also poop machines and you don't need More Ammonia.

Common Plecos get huge and more than once they've injured Goldfish when something panicked them and their spines caused damage.
I don't recommend them partly for that reason.

CAEs are known for sucking slime coat. Any algae eater might, if there isn't food for them.
Some Plecos need wood as well as greens/veggies.
Don't add a pleco, tetras etc, you need cold water options, if you get a much bigger tank(each comment needs at least 200 gallons) you can add Borneo loaches and golden dojo loaches
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