What is your fav kind of fish?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
What is your fav kind of fish? I per like Plecos (Thanks for cleaning my alge), Guppies (Please stay alive) Gold Fish, Glow fish and Cory fish, (Thanks for cleaning my sand)
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Try some cold water fish. White cloud mountain minnow, bloodfin tetra, rainbow shiner, pearl danio, rosy barb, ricefish, weather loach… these fish are hardy and do not really need a heater.
Love my pleco. But my angelfish is my favorite. I also really like black mollies. I’ve had really good luck with mollies the ones I’ve gotten have been really hardy and live through being a cycle fish and snap back from stuff pretty quick. My angel is my main tank piece though. She dances for my attention. Shes kinda needy almost 😂 but I love it. She’ll watch me cuddle my dog and I swear there’s some jealousy and wonder in her eye.
What is your fav kind of fish? I per like Plecos (Thanks for cleaning my alge), Guppies (Please stay alive) Gold Fish, Glow fish and Cory fish, (Thanks for cleaning my sand)
My new favorite I just got are these ghost catfish. They can do these super cool rainbow pulses. Looks like an electrical current going through them. I spend like all my free time staring at them since I put them in LMAO


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My new favorite I just got are these ghost catfish. They can do these super cool rainbow pulses. Looks like an electrical current going through them. I spend like all my free time staring at them since I put them in LMAO
Those are beautiful! You put my fish to shame 😝
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