What's wrong with my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 2, 2011
I can't quite figure out what's wrong with one of my tanks. It's a 10 gallon tank, only neon tetras (well, only one now). I had 6 in there.
A few weeks back, I moved the tank from my basement, which is usually a bit on the colder side in the summer, to the upstairs floor, usually hotter. I also did a gravel change at the same time. I know, bad idea to do both at once. Downstairs, I just kept the heater at 70. The temp upstairs when it was hotter outside was 77. I didn't realize this until I had lost a few fish, and at that point, I put the heater to 76 so it would stay there when the temp dropped. The temp in this room is significantly hotter when it is hot outside.
A day or two after the move, 2 fish died. I figured they were casualties of the gravel change, and didn't think much. I went away for a weekend, and came back to fish #3 dead. A week later, fish #4 died. Some time between the death of fish #3 and 4, my filter was unplugged for a period of time. I don't know how long, and I discovered this after #4 died, realizing that it was quiet, and fish #4 did not get sucked onto the intake. I plugged the filter back in, and every thing seemed okay, until today, 1 week later, fish #5 died.
After each death, I did a water change, probably 20-25%. At no point did any of my reading come back with anything. I didn't do a water change yet post death of #5, as I just found it a few minutes ago. All levels are 0s.
I have no clue at this point why my fish are continuing to die, but my only thought not is maybe to take that last neon out, and put him in my other tank (skirt tetras, cory cats, and a stray neon who I couldn't get out when I originally moved them into the 10 gallon). Then, maybe throw some ammo in there, let it cycle again, and start again from there. Other than that, I have no clue what to check, or what else to do. Any advice would be appreciated.
Sounds like you have a plan. I would change out the filter media as the bacteria may have died off, not completely but too many, and they can poison the tank in decomposition. No home test kit can tell you that. While you are recycling with Ammo chips, do 3-4 10% water changes to help get the tank stabilized. I don't know what kind of filter you have, but adding an additional sponge filter will work great in the long run.
what kind of test kit are you using? have you considered neon tetra disease? neon tetras are either very sensitive, or very hardy ime.
I'm using a liquid test kit. I only remembered the possibility of neon tetra disease last night, and did not move the fish. If it's a disease, my other tank is full of tetras, so that'll just put the disease in there if that's it. The tank that is having issues is running an Aquino quiet flow 20, with a scotch brite pad as my media and some API biochem stars that I seeded originally in the other tank. The other tank has 2 filters, and I keep extra media in there just for the sake of seeding. Not that I have any plans of starting another tank, but I figured its a good idea to keep stuff in there. So, I can pull a bit for the tank that is having problems. I'll get something later today and hopefully I can save the last guy.
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