Worried about exploding tank

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Worried about exploding tank. I do not have any leeks in my tank and the tank fits the stand it is on. I did not know that tanks could explode. I live in a apt and if it exploded I be in deep dodo. So should I be worried about my 40 tank exploding?
They can explode, its not completely out of the question. Ive seen this video crop up on my Youtube feed a few times.

Then there was the Berlin Aquadom hotel aquarium explosion.

But if the aquarium is properly sat on the right cabinet its unlikely. Its probably no more risky than having a bath installed or having a water supply burst while you arent home. Im sure you dont have the same concerns about your plumbing.

The hotel aquarium was caused by poor maintenance and them not carrying out essential inspections and not resealing the aquarium when recommended by the aquarium manufacturer.

Are you the homeowner or a tenant? If you are the homeowner are you covered by your insurance? Or are there any restrictions in the deeds? I have flood damage, including from aquariums, covered on my insurance. If you are renting, what does your landlord say? Many landlords dont allow aquariums at all or dont allow them over a certain size. Or they require you to take out insurance.

If everything is OK with your insurance or landlord, but you are still worried consider getting an acrylic aquarium rather than glass. Acrylic aquariums are a solid piece of acrylic, no joints to fail, no glass to break. They are much safer, but a little more expensive.
Worried about exploding tank. I do not have any leeks in my tank and the tank fits the stand it is on. I did not know that tanks could explode. I live in a apt and if it exploded I be in deep dodo. So should I be worried about my 40 tank exploding?
When tanks " explode", it's usually larger tanks that do that because they are not set up on an approved stand or are not setting properly on the stand. Smaller tanks would usually leak instead of exploding. The main thing to do is not go cheap. People trying to save money on the equipment ( tank brand, stands, filters, etc) are usually the ones that suffer the results of that decision. As Aiken said, your pipes in the wall are just as likely to burst as a properly set up aquarium is.: Not likely but not guaranteed.
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