Bio balls

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 6, 2014
I have a wet/dry sump with bio balls in my sump and overflow box I was told the bio balls in the overflow can cause a nitrate problem which I've had . Can I replace my bio balls and how and with what. I've also Ben reading about the herbie and durso for my overflow when I do take them out any experiences ? My overflow is very tall it's in a 150 gallon.
You can replace bioballs for live rock. LR do biological filtration when they're cycled.

If you have one pound of LR per total system gallon in the display, you will probably not need more LR or bioballs into the sump...

I'm a bit noob to the reef hobby, probably some folks may help you better than me, but I'm almost sure 1 pounds LR/gallons is enough for bio filtration.
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