betta stopped making bubble nest

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 17, 2010
so my wire brought home a betta fish home. he spent about two months on a "quarantine" tank that was a large frosted Rubbermaid tub about (4 gal). after about a month he stared making bubble nests. We got a 5 gal glass tank and moved him into it with all his stuff and he seems fine but stopped making bubble nests.

in the Rubbermaid, he got some large rounded gravel, some fake plants out of a cycle tank, a heater set to low and a small sponge filter. we have been feeding him pellets and thawed brine shrimp. he also got a bata log that he loves and a coffee mug on its side (which he don't use after he got the log)

everything went into the new tank, we have been doing a 50 to 75% water change every week and 1/2.

any ideas? i want to put him back in the Rubbermaid but wire put the kibosh on that idea.

thank you for your help.

He's probably uncomfortable right now due to ammonia and/or nitrite from the tank cycle. A liquid master test kit would be ideal to check his water parameters. Until you have one, I would do 50% partial water change at least twice a week.

I would make sure to use a thermometer with that heater. Bettas thrive at 80F....warmer than many fish. A heater set to low is likely not warm enough.

Also I would keep a good eye on that log. Inspect it when you do your water changes. I've never got one for my bettas because I've read they deteriorate within a short time to have sharp edges that tear betta's fins. Hopefully they've improved on the design by now.
siva said:
He's probably uncomfortable right now due to ammonia and/or nitrite from the tank cycle. A liquid master test kit would be ideal to check his water parameters. Until you have one, I would do 50% partial water change at least twice a week.

I would make sure to use a thermometer with that heater. Bettas thrive at 80F....warmer than many fish. A heater set to low is likely not warm enough.

Also I would keep a good eye on that log. Inspect it when you do your water changes. I've never got one for my bettas because I've read they deteriorate within a short time to have sharp edges that tear betta's fins. Hopefully they've improved on the design by now.

Twice a week??? More like twice a day!
If everything from quarantine was transferred, it's not necessarily true that the tank is cycling,etc. It depends on if the quarantine "tank" ended up finishing the cycle or not. The only way we will know is with parameters.
Bettas can be happy and not be making bubble nests.
I'd definitely look at your temp like someone else suggested. I started this hobby with betta's and they nested in my downstairs room (before I realized I needed bigger, warmer tanks than I had them in) and they'd nest, a little, but didn't eat much. THEN, I moved one up stairs to my bedroom (Which is much warmer than the living room usually is). The nesting shot way up.

How long have you had him in this five gallon tank. That wasn't clear. Since you've refered to doing a pwc every week and a half so I'm not certain how long it'd be.

Strange, but if he hasn't been in there long, it might not just be cycling (though you definately want to check your water like previously suggested) but it might also be he's in a big clear box now. If that's part of it, he'll probobly chill after he settles in.

and lastly, how much flow is the filter producing? Gourmi also bubble nest. I watch my guys do that all the time, and the HOB filter destoys them. With a sponge filter I don't THINK that's the case, but it's worth watching him and seeing if he's trying to nest.

Either way, I'd watch your water like suggested. Betta's are tough little guys, but no one likes smog (Which is basically what a new tank can be filled with... only potentially to lethal levels).
Wow, Thank you for the responses!

he has been in the 5 gal for about 4 months now.

I have a glass type thermometer in there and it says 79~80( hard to tell so small) water test shows 0/0/10~15 as for cycling the sponge filter got a good squeeze of filter spooge from our tetra tank that i did a fish less cycle.

there is hardly any current form the sponge filter, It is the same filter that was in the qt tank. I was consernd that there was not enough current but the temps seem stable.

I will keep an eye on the log, original i had a piece of PVC drain pipe that floated but he liked the log better.

other than that he has a fine appetite and likes to swim around the tank and check every thing out.
Well he sounds just fine then :) My males seem to go through phases when they build the nests more than others. I really would like those logs for my bettas. I'm gonna have to try one too!
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