Problem with Algae, which fish is best

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2005
I don't know which fish to use to get rid of my algae in my 20 gallon. A pleco is too big, that leaves me with ghost shrimp, otos, cories and any other suggestions.
What type of algae? I'm assuming its just normal algae that grows over ornaments and the glass. If it is just normal algae then I would suggest that you get 3-4 Otos.
I guess then oto is is.

Is ther anything special to know about caring for these guys?
isnt it like 1 for like 5 gallons of water? so id get around 5 if theres enough algae
If you have room for 3-4 otos, I would suggest to get a dwarf pleco. They grow only to 4-5 inches. I've always heard good things about a bristlenose pleco in terms of eating algea. However, from my own experience, Gold Nugget Pleco is really great! I bought one 2 weeks ago and since then there is nothing to clean in my thank (and that's 72g with alot of decorations). It polishes everything!
I actually have three otos along with a bristlenose pleco in my 30 gallon tank. They do a pretty good job of keeping the tank clean although I do scrape the front glass regularly.
I would recommend the otos over the pleco. For one, 4 otos do a better cleaning job than one or two plecos. Otos are also always constantly eating algae while plecos tend to hide during the day and clean at night (though some are diurnal).
I really like otos myself. I have eight now in four different tanks and I intend to get four more soon. They can be very fragile in comparison to other fish when you first buy them. They are very sensitive to stress and don't travel well in my experience. Other fish that come in handy for fighting algae include American-flag Fish (for thread algae) and Siamese Algae Eaters (for black brush algae especially).
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