Too much for betta?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 23, 2005
Iowa, USA
I recently purchased a beautiful crowntail male betta and added him to my 29 gallon community.

What's bothering me about it now is that he is getting picked on by my (single) angelfish and the bubbler system seems to be too much for him.

I've had other bettas before in the same tank and they have all done well with both the bubbles and the angel, but I guess they're all different.

What do you suggest doing with the betta? I was thinking of getting a one gallon for him with a tiny bubble system in it--just his own home. What do you think?
I would recommend a minimum of 2.5 gallons for a Betta. It looks large, but it's really what they should be in minimum. It also makes it easier to keep up with water changes.
I agree that Betta's need larger tanks than people offer. I had a crowntail in my 55 gallon, who I often caught darting around and swimming more than a single gallon tank could offer.

Betta's are known to be able to survive droughts in puddles, but that doesn't mean they like the small space.

I had a forest of guppy grass, which my Betta loved, that along should detter the angels, I doubt they'd try and swim through gupp grass
They do enjoy the room. Mine is in a 10gl and he has it all by himself. He uses the entire thing and always has a bubble nest going on.

I had to stick him in a bowl for a few weeks (1gl) and he sulked until he got his 10gl back. He wasnt active, just sat in the plant I threw in there for him and no bubble nests. didnt eat well etc.

Finally got to put him back in his 10gl and he was so happy, better color, swimming all over and eating. LOL

Spoiled. I just have a cheap small filter on it that is just enough for him, no air bubbles either, current is very little from the filter and works well for him.
Just a quick update...

It seems he really enjoys all the space--he is now swimming and darting around contantly, after eating well this morning. I think he just needed some energy! Now he looks very happy in his spacious home, thanks everyone for the quick replies! :]
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