Is this coralline algae or cyano emerging?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 12, 2011
Newport News, VA
Hey everyone,

Upgraded my salt water tank from my 40g to 75g three weeks ago. I already have some coralline algae but no it looks like I have a darker version growing and I just want to identify it early so I know what to do. I had a small diatom bloom after the upgrade but nothing crazy, and now this is showing up...I took a photo of two of the only non-live rocks in my tank so you can see it better. It blends real well with the coralline I have on my live rock but it's a little darker.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Salinity 1.024
Nitrate 10
Phosphates 0



Only things that have changed are that I recently have been feeding my new Copperband Butterfly mussels, green shell mussels from New Zeland in a box from the local sea market, but I only leave it in for half an hour and been doing this for 3 days now. Could this add nutrients into the water to cause this? Also, I moved my heater from inside the aquarium inside my wet/dry sump, and my temp has been increasing. I came home and it was 79...most my fish according to want 73-78. Other then that nothing out of the normal...I keep my lights on 8 hours a day.

Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!

If it`s coralline then it will hard and wont scrape off easily with your fingernail but if it`s cyano it will be soft and slimey and will easily come off.
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