What else can I do for my sick betta?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 27, 2011
Hi all,

I'm new to this site and relatively new to caring for bettas. I have 2 males (separate tanks, of course!) and one has tail/fin rot, I believe.

I treated for 8 days with Triple Sulfa but he kept getting worse. I switched to Tetracycline 2 days ago (treating according to the directions on the box) and his fins are still worse each day (I'm guessing it's early in the tetracycline treatment cycle though, right?). In addition, I'm adding aquarium salt (about 1 tablespoon) with each water change and Betta Fix daily (I've been using salt for 10 days and Betta Fix for 2 days).

I've listed the rest of the general info below and I'm desperate for anything that will make him well. :( Help? Thanks in advance!

1) What type of fish is afflicted? Male betta. I've had him since 11/2010. His fins have been gradually fraying/falling away for 10 days. It began when I was away and missed his usual 7 day tank cleaning (I'm usually religious about it), he went about 12 days without one, and his problems started soon after.

2) What are your tank parameters ph is around 7, not sure about ammonia levels

3) How large is the tank? 5 gallons, heated, filtered (I removed the filter during antibiotic treatment). The fish sees his reflection and may be stressed (he flares often, etc) but I'm not sure how to fix this. I tried a background but he only flared more. I'm guessing that the stress isn't helping him heal, right?

4) How many fish are in the tank? Just one.

5) When is the last time you did a water change and vacuum the gravel? I did a water change/vacuum 2 days ago, in accordance with the Tetracycline package. The fish store specialist said that I might be changing too much of the water at one time...? The Triple Sulfa box (first antibiotic I tried) said 25% change, I did 50% change. Too much stress or good bacteria loss?

6) Have you added anything new to the tank? Nothing new, but I removed a live plant. It wasn't getting enough light and was starting to break down, so I took it out...could that have made an impact?

7) What kind of food http://www.aquariumadvice.com/forums/#have you been feeding your fish? He eats Betta pellets (2 per day). Occasionally I'll give him freeze-dried blood worms, but he's not a huge fan. He's definitely still eating at this point (thankfully!)

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Oh, hate it when that happens. Having issues with my betta too right now. What I've found works best for fin rot is pristine clean water. Daily 25% water changes and aquarium salt (not table salt). I've never had to use medication to clear it up as long as the water stays clean with the aq salt. Good luck.
The first couple times I used bettafix I used salt as well but lately I haven't used salt and the result is the same/better. Discontinue the salt. At this point it's probably doing more harm than good. I have never treated with so many things at once. I don't think that's a good idea. I use bettafix only and follow the directions. I've heard mixed reviews on it but, I'm sold on it at this point. I just had a female in my community tank turn up with some seriously ripped fins..I put her in the hospital and used only bettafix and she was good as new in a matter of days. I think it's a great product. Of course I'm sure there are infections and diseases that I simply haven't had to deal with that would require a different treament. Since the other meds haven't worked I would do a large water change and start a fresh cycle of bettafix only.
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