Woe is me - traded in fav fish :(

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 27, 2006
Washington State
I think I need therapy.....I get way too attached to my fish. I just traded in my favorite fish.....a very large, chunky hippo tang. He was one of the first fish I got.

Lately I had been noticing that he was getting so large that I didn't feel he had enough room in my tank to swim around. The guilt finally got the best of me and I found a nice person with access to a 180 gallon tank that was looking for a hippo tang. He's coming to pick the fish up tomorrow.

I've had this fish for so long and he's so nice and healthy.....it's so hard to give him up. I know he's just a fish but it's still tough.

Oh, and NO laughing at me either!! :nono:
its ok. I just got my fish a week ago and was frantic yesterday when the heater was broken and I couldnt do anything until late last night.
Its not weird at all
Who would laugh? It's what makes you a credit to the hobby. This should be a sticky and referred to often.

So now the BIG question.. What did you GET?
So now the BIG question.. What did you GET?

The agreement is that I get regular updates as to how he's getting along and pictures too.

I was concerned about getting a good home where he would have lots of room and a good variety of food....so money wasn't an issue and I didn't ask for anything.

Thanks for the kind words.
Props for you! I know you are sad, but if he's in a better place you should feel relieved.
I agree mrsbeanctr. I recently got rid of my arc eyed hawkfish and it was hard. He was in my 29 gallon tank. He was bought by a guy that has a 210 gallon tank so I know he`s a happy camper today. That was a great thing you did.
Hey, Carol....feel sad for you...they are my fav too. I have an enclosed front porch that would probably hold a huge tank, but I don't think I could keep it warm/cool enough in extreme weather to keep one...my tang just went into his new 75 a couple of weeks ago...he is such a coward !!! His buddy is MIA...a neon cleaner Goby...and his other buddy, a Sebae Clown, is still in the 35. I just put a Blue-spotted Watchman Goby in his tank, so now he has something to "watch"...they have such personalities...I know how hard that was for you. We love to watch our sighthounds gallop....it was watching them that made me find a way to get him a bigger tank. I wish I had know before how big they can get. LFS have no conscience..

I think you should buy yourself something "really special" that you "really, really, want" for your tank to make up for the suffering and pain.;)Don't you??


The gentlemen came by last night and picked up the hippo tang. Naturally the brat didn't want to come out so I ended up dis-mantling half of my tank. I told him that the fish was 7 inches long.....I don't think he believed me because when he saw the fish, his eyes bugged out and promptly blurted out "OMG that thing is HUGH!" hehehe...

We put him in a 5 gallon bucket to transport and let me tell you that there wasn't much room for him to turn around. He promised to send a picture when he gets settled in.

I realized that the fish would be much happier and healthier in a larger tank (it was still hard). He was the first fish I got and he's been so healthy over the last 3+ years. I don't think I'll be replacing him with another fish. I'd like to keep my bio-load on the lighter side if possible. I still have the 2 clownfish and my yellow tang.....and my evil, hateful 6 line wrasse.

Again, thanks folks. :)
The fish is going to be much happier in a roomier tank.
The guy who adopted him is thrilled that he got such a beautiful healthy fish for free.
You just racked up some serious good karma points!
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