Yet, another skimmer question..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 25, 2008
Ello all..

I'm looking for suggestions on best possible skimmer that I don't have to empty my wallet on for my 55g. I do not have a sump so it has to be of the hang on type. It also has to go on one of the sides due to me not thinking and putting the tank 2" from the wall.

I don't run a skimmer, but Bak-Pak makes a good HOB skimmer. I do know that when buying a skimmer, you get what you pay for, so it might be in your best interest to save up for a good one.
I was hoping to go skimmerless but I feel as if i'm not doing as much for the tank as I should with just a canister filter. Not that my tank is dirty or looks bad. Its just that everyone else seems to run a sump/fuge, skimmers and such.
Even tho I never used 1, the Octopus HOB skimmers get good reviews. They have 5 models that range in price from about $100 to $200 at Reef Specialty. (plus free shipping over $175)
When I had my 55 I used a skilter HOB. Dont get me wrong this is not the best out there. But it did pull a good amount of skimate out and it was very affordable. There are better out there but you will pay for it which is not a bad thing either. I run an excalibur in my sump now.
I've been running an aquaC remora pro for years now and have been very happy with it. The only thing is, don't get one with the rio pump, that pump is junk. Get either the maxijet 1200 or mag-drive 3 pump. They aren't much more than you want to pay and you can get some good deals on ebay if you look around.
I have an Aquamedic Turboflotor Multi 1000 with the oceanrunner 2500 pump for my 46gallon tank I paid $195 I was a pain during the break in period but once I figured it out and got it adjusted just right I got a bunch of motor oil type sludge at first now I dont get as much skimmate now that my tank is established expect If I overfeed than the skimmer picks it up. I get a little less than 1/4 of a cup every 2 weeks. I bought it from this website Protein Skimmers,ASM,Red Sea,Aquamedic,Deltec,ETS,ETSS,HSA,prizm,CPR It is great because it can be hang on back style or it can be in-sump thats why they call it multi it can be mounted multiple ways. I had it hanging on the back of my tank before I added a sump it is big and not too pretty I am glad I have it out of sight now. I used to get lots of comments from people who thought it was cool though when I had it as a HOB
Yeah, i'm thinking that I might have to move my tank away from the wall a bit. Right now, it's only 2" from it. My plan was to use the side of the tank that nobody really sees for the HOB. Think a few people could move a 55 w/stand over a few inches without looking like you were in a wet tee shirt contest??
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