Tank Cycle - Everyone Has An Opinion!

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Sorry - still learning names! I believe what I have seen at my LFS is called a 'Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp'. Very interesting colors.

I did put in four Turbo snails and they are doing well however they are huge (walnut size) so hopefully I didn't overdo it with these big guys.

Do you suggest more snails because they are better cleaners or because the crabs can be detrimental to the aquarium?
I like the nassis because they burrow under the sand...when you feed the tank...well you will see.
Crabs....I am still trying to figure out what kind you are talking about...
The Nassis sound cool!

Trying to visually match up on 'Live Aquaria' with what my LFS sells I would say that I'm talking about Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs and Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs.
Hermits are decent, I just don't use them much. I think I have about 3 or 4 in my 55 and that's because they have been in there since I started....
Sorry - still learning names! I believe what I have seen at my LFS is called a 'Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp'. Very interesting colors.

I did put in four Turbo snails and they are doing well however they are huge (walnut size) so hopefully I didn't overdo it with these big guys.

Do you suggest more snails because they are better cleaners or because the crabs can be detrimental to the aquarium?
Yes, and the fact that they(snails) will keep your glass free of algae, those would be nerites and ceriff snails. Nassarius snails are neat because they hang out in the sand and come out when you feed the fish or there is excess food on the sand...very cool!
Aww, TC, you spoiled the surprise about the nassis! LO, just kidding. There is nothing like seeing them "pop" into action!
I did put in four Turbo snails and they are doing well however they are huge (walnut size) so hopefully I didn't overdo it with these big guys.

I have 4 peperment shrimp in my 55 and they took care of the aptasia quickly. If you are going to have corals be careful with the turbos cause they have been described as "bulldozers". Anything not firmly attached to the LR will be knocked over. The other two snails are much better (and entertaining) choices.
Aww, TC, you spoiled the surprise about the nassis! LO, just kidding. There is nothing like seeing them "pop" into action!
Yea, I was at a LFS a while back and asked about them and the Guy said that he had a bunch and threw some food in the tank and the sand started to boil...really cool

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