Calvus Tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 1, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio
I have been wanting a small tank with a kind of showcase fish. I found the Calvus cichlids and they are perfect for my criteria. They only get 6 inches, I love the look, and all of my research indicates that they can go in a 20 gallon tank. I have a few questions... What do they eat? Black or White Calvus? What color sand would look best with each color? What do they eat? What kind of aquascaping should I do, would a penguin 200 be fine? Also can I use an undergravel filter work with sand? Should I get a long or tall tank? All help will be appreciated?
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I read they can be housed with frontosa. Is this true? Also are there any plecos that only get to like 8 inches. I want something too big to be eaten, but small enough for my tank.
I read they can be housed with frontosa. Is this true? Also are there any plecos that only get to like 8 inches. I want something too big to be eaten, but small enough for my tank.

I'm no expert. I am in the planning stages of setting up a 55g with Calvus, shell dwellers, and cyps. It was recommended to me that I use snails to take care of algae not a pleco.

From what I've read you can house Calvus with Frontosa BUT you need a minimum of a 40 g tank for ONE Frontosa. They can grow over a foot long. Hopefully someone with more experience will respond to you.
thanks. What I'm thinking is that a front will never get that long in my tank. My dad has one in a 55 and it's about 6". If it outgrows, I can always give it away to someone else. The calvus won't eat the snail?
I wouldn't put a frontosa in anything smaller than a 5' 120g, and even then it's small. I've seen them in 8 and 9 foot tanks, 13-15" full grown adults... they definitely need some swimming room.
+1 on frontosa needing loads of space!!
black calvus are prettier imo, depends on substrate/ background and tankmates.
snails have been known to be eaten by these fish, but chances are it wont from what iv heard about the majority of calvus. luck and chance really!
undergravel filters wont work with sand from my experience, it just spews sand EVERYWHERE. i have a norm filter and a bubbler, the bubbler rests on some plants so it doesnt fling sand on everything.
u already have the frontosa? we can work with this.
yes it will, but they can be extremely territorial depending on the fish. the calvus would have a better start without the front, so maybe you should consider rehoming it or putting it in a bigger tank. what are your options? thank you for asking our opinions x
I would not put Calvus in anything smaller than a 40 breeder, even then you are looking at maybe 4 fish. They are fairly shy ambush predators and need caves/ rock pile to feel safe.

A dark colored sand would work best. For filtration you need a filter that will turn over the total volume of the tank 8-10 times per hour. I use snails in my lake Tanganyika tank and they don't get picked on or eaten by my fish.

Don't buy fish to put in a tank "until it gets to big" if the fish you want is to big for your tank don't get it. Wait until you can afford a tank of a correct size for the fish.

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