5 Gallon Planted Tank

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They might pick off a few, but the majority will survive, especially if your tank is heavily planted.
I have about 5 chilis in my tank right now with RCS shrimplets. I agree, most shrimplets will survive if provided with enough cover:)
I know that most fish eat shrimplets. I wasn't even considering putting fish in that will eat them. Scarlet badis get to about two inches, but chili rasboras top out at an inch. I figured since they're so small, the rasboras might not eat shrimplets.
Dario Dario (scarlet badis in the US) is less that an inch long. Females are about half an inch and males 0.8 inches. Maybe we are talking about different fish?
I should add I have never observed my chilis eating shrimplets... But I would imagine they could and would.
fort384 said:
I should add I have never observed my chilis eating shrimplets... But I would imagine they could and would.

+1! I have some shrimplets and my chili's couldn't care less
Dario Dario (scarlet badis in the US) is less that an inch long. Females are about half an inch and males 0.8 inches. Maybe we are talking about different fish?

Oh... never mind. LOL I was thinking of bettas. My bad!
lol thats alright. I was like ? what scarlet badis does he have lol
I dont think so they are barely an inch. Others may have a different opinion though.
I don't think I should get cories. They might mess up the carpet of dwarf baby tears. I will most likely get chilis. I just need to know what you guys think: If I have a carpet of dwarf baby tears and a tree of java moss for shrimp to hide in, will the shrimp and shrimplets be safe from a scarlet badis?
I don't think I should get cories. They might mess up the carpet of dwarf baby tears. I will most likely get chilis. I just need to know what you guys think: If I have a carpet of dwarf baby tears and a tree of java moss for shrimp to hide in, will the shrimp and shrimplets be safe from a scarlet badis?
I would say absolutely. That is alot of hiding places. Obviously not all will be but defintetly some.
I think I might do sparkling gouramis. How many do you guys think I should do?
I just ordered a 4x4 inch square of dwarf baby tears. I want to get this carpet ASAP. LOL
I had to rearrange the carpet because I was gravel vacuuming. the tank is down at the moment but should be back up soon. I would post a picture, but I need to clear my attachments.
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