Started my fishless cycle!

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Depends on the intake tube- some have slots/holes running up the sides of the tube to allow water to flow in. If yours does, its fine to tie it to the sides over the holes (so water flows through the sponge material). Otherwise, stick it over the bottom of the tube. Good luck to the both of you!!! :)
Thank you!
when I got my active filter I stuffed and stuffed!! cut it up and piece it in there. I started out by cutting in half and then some of those halves got cut up too. My filters are pretty full now! but it did really help me... wishing you guys luck!!
I cut 1/2 of it and stuffed that it, tied a small strip to the intake and used the airline for the chunk left over :) Is that sufficient? OP, How did u do urs???
Thanks for the advice Heather, its so nerve wracking doing this LOL! @andrewspistol, I cut it in half then in half again and crammed as much as I could into my filter (I put some inside by the intake also) then what was leftover I tied to the end of my intake tube inside the tank. Everything is pretty full!!! Hope everything works out for you as well :)
Test results after adding seeded media yesterday: ammo .50 (dropped faster than has been), nitrites are slightly over 5.0ppm again (cuz of adding media maybe?), nitrates are 80ppm and Ph is 7.6. What do you think?
Ok. Your tank is honestly baffling me- I really expected to see bigger drops! The bigger amm drop & high nitrates is good though! I want you to consider getting some RO Rite or Seachems Replenish at this point because you may be lacking in some mineral that your water supply may not have. In the meantime, go ahead & redose your amm 2ppm & hope for even better numbers tommorrow! :)
OK, will do. With the RO stuff will that need to be added all the time....even after I get fish? Just curious :)
I would like to see if it has any effect first (it very well may not). Im going to have to do some more thinking too because maybe theres something im missing here. As of right now though, everything seems to be pointing to something with your water but without alot of more extensive tests, its basically trial & error to see what may work. Lets see if your new bacteria step up their game over the next few days (once they adjust to your water)- hopefully, they will!! :)
Hm, so nitrites have been high for what about 4 weeks now? And ammonia hasn't dropped to 0 in 24 hours. First thing is to check that you're reading the ammonia test correctly; did you ever test some distilled water against the tank ammonia test to see if they matched? I've had good luck using spring water for this too. For the longest time I thought my tank had .25 of ammo when I realized it was really 0 and was reading the test wrong.

Personally I'd point to the substrate being the issue before the water source, but it's hard to say. Adding the minerals JLk suggested won't hurt if you wanted to try it.
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Hi librarygirl! Gonna get some water today and try to find the replenish also. Haven't tested yet this morning.....
Getting better I think!! Today's results are: ammo 0, nitrites slightly over 5ppm and nitrates are over 80 but not quite 160ppm yet
Oh jessica I'm so worried. We had to leave to visit a friend in intensive care. Will it be ok for a few hours before I redose? Just got the cycle all going right and I dont want to mess it up...
Holy cow!!!!!! I dosed up to 2ppm yesterday and today my results are: ammo 0, nitrites 1.0ppm, nitrates not quite 160ppm yet but over 80ppm and Ph is 7.6.....
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