Started my fishless cycle!

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No other source yet but I did remove some of the water yesterday. I was just curious.....
The nitrifying bacteria benefit from extra oxygen during cycling (and in general) so any additional source you can add will help. :)
Today my results are: ammo .25ppm, nitrites are just slightly over 5ppm, nitrates are definately 80ppm and Ph is 7.6. Finally nitrates, but I wish my ammo would not take 2days to drop from 2ppm
Thats great the nitrates are really starting to increase! Atleast your not stalled on the nitrite phase. The amm situation, however, is a bit perplexing. Go ahead & dose a low amount of amm (2ppm) & lets see what tommorrow brings! :)
OK....the active filter should be on its way! Hopefully that will make a difference for the better :)
Hello! Today I have: ammo 1.0ppm, nitrites are slightly over 5.0ppm (not as rosy as had been), nitrates are 80ppm, and Ph is 7.6. Hold off on dosing ammo today?'s results: ammo .25 (looked back at notes & retested and tap is .50ppm. Maybe that is my problem?), nitrites are between 2&5ppm (no more pink, this is good right?), nitrates 80ppm and Ph 7.6. What's going on?
No more pink/violet hues is great! It indicates your nitrites are still dropping. Have you tried testing some distilled water (which has zero everything) & comparing it to your present tank levels? Perhaps your tank is actually reading closer to zero than you realize. A amm level of .50ppm in your tap is not a big deal- your bb will consume this quickly once your tank is fully cycled & Prime will bind it until its consumed. I wouldnt worry too much about this! Otherwise, go ahead & add 2ppm amm & hopefully your filter will be here soon! :)
I haven't tried that, I have bottled spring water but no distilled :( should i go get some, is it a must to do? My filter is supposed to arrive today....should be here in 2 hours or less!!!! I'll dose the ammo up to 2
You can try the spring water but I have seen some with undesirable numbers (detectable amm/nitrite/nitrate). Worth a check any way! Buying some distilled isnt a 'must' but it will give you an idea of what true zero numbers look like for comparison's sake if you are interested. :)
I just received my active filter! It is a little bigger than I thought it would be.... can I cut into several pieces and put in different parts of my filter? I'm really concerned about it ALL fitting. What if everything gets packed too tightly?
Cut it up & fit as much as possible into your filter. As long as water is still flowing through the filter, you are fine (my filters are stuffed to the max). If theres any extra, you can either tie it on to the bottom of your intake tube or place it on top of a bubble wand or airstone. Dumping the water from the bag into the tank shouldnt have any effect & wont hurt anything as your still cycling though in the future, dont add water from the bags when you purchase fish. My fingers are crossed!!! :)
Lol....I saw in a thread that you ordered the same time I did!!! I'm scared too....good luck to you! @jlk, its in there, now lets hope it works! Thank you SOOOO much!
When I tie the remainder to the intake tube should the tube be inside the sponge or is next to it OK?
Depends on the intake tube- some have slots/holes running up the sides of the tube to allow water to flow in. If yours does, its fine to tie it to the sides over the holes (so water flows through the sponge material). Otherwise, stick it over the bottom of the tube. Good luck to the both of you!!! :)
when I got my active filter I stuffed and stuffed!! cut it up and piece it in there. I started out by cutting in half and then some of those halves got cut up too. My filters are pretty full now! but it did really help me... wishing you guys luck!!
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