Doug's 250, now 300, in wall build

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Doug., ive done a lot of calculations regarding your whole switch over situation .., and if my calculations are correct its going to take you guys 17 beers to complete the switch over....., and a bag of chips
I respectfully disagree. Chips won't do it in this situation. Got to be a 6' long sub. After all, you have to use the right tool for the job. LOL
Personal opinion... I say skip the chips and subs and fire up the grill. nothing better then taking a mid day break with some burgers and hot dogs.
can't wait to see new tank. Definitely will be tagging along on the new build.
Hey Doug get some flounder, Alaskan king crab, and bacon rapped filets! Oh for desert I think caviar is on order!
I need to know how your corals are doing under your LEDs I'm looking into buying two of them for my 75g sps tank but don't know if it will be good lighting for that set up. I read great reviews on them and looked at your par readings. However there's a big difference in my opinion between total par and usable par for different corals. I hope very much that these lights do a good job because I would love to include these in my new build. This question really goes to anyone with these lights.
I use fixtures that are much like them for a few years now. Mr_X took PAR readings from one of my fixtures before he bought the ones like them on EBay. His report to me was the PAR was almost identical. My fixtures have grown all kinds of corals just fine. I have posted many videos and pictures of this reef. I use fixtures up to 300 watts on this tank and similar ones on my algae turf scrubber. They are not sophisticated like others on the market, but they produce a lot of usable PAR for the dollar.
No...only the 120 watt fixtures with the PCM drivers is dimmable using their controller (under $100) and I don't think the real cheap reseller on EBay has been offering any of them. These are not DIY. They are generation 2 Chinese panels. I can only speak to the ones I import, they are very nice but simple plug it into the wall and hang it fixtures. Mr_X indicated the panels he bought from the EBay source were either similar or identical. The factory I use didn't build them, but I take his opinion that they performed the same. I am not sure but I think the EBay guy only sells the 120 watt panels, but I could be wrong about that.
About to get 3 dimmable electronic units for my 125 build. I put together a group buy and will get them for 230 if we order 20 units. Plus I get a 25% discount if we hit 30 units. :) These are a no name from over seas but have been used by several members in Atlanta with very good results. The electronic ones are compatible with any controllers such as Apex.
rdnelson99 said:
About to get 3 dimmable electronic units for my 125 build. I put together a group buy and will get them for 230 if we order 20 units. Plus I get a 25% discount if we hit 30 units. :) These are a no name from over seas but have been used by several members in Atlanta with very good results. The electronic ones are compatible with any controllers such as Apex.

Be sure they communicate with Apex, most of the dimming Chinese panels don't.
Ok. Sorry for the late update, but I've been busy with the switch over. The new tank is in the wall, and the 265 is on the back porch, waiting to be cleaned and repaired.
I'm pretty happy with the new tank so far. I have a few phone pics of the swap out, but I didn't get too deep into pictures because I was consumed with the swap.
After adding the rock i've come to the conclusion that I'm about 100 pounds short. I just added some sand a little while ago, so i'll wait a few hours and take some new pics.
I have an extra 100 pounds you can have. At least that is what my wife says. Oh wait, you were talking about rock weren't you. :) Looking forward to seeing the pics.
So, a few pics....
Picking up the tank...

tank in the wall with all the rock from the 265 in it....

back of tank-


left side rock scape-

right side..
wow, that looks amazing! i love the two separate islands, are you going to keep it this way or when you get the extra rock are you going to fill in the space in between?
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