Advise on community fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2013
Hello everyone I need some advise please, I have a 55gal tank and am wondering if my choice of fish are going to succeed together.

I have:
5 Rainbow Sharks
2 Pink Kissing Gourami
3 Flame Dwarf Gourami
1 Plecostomus

I've read on several occasions that rainbows will not school together but others state that they is possible to school just requires 55+ gallon tank and 6+ rainbows all in similar size to prevent the others from ruling the "runt" out. I've most commonly read that only one is most suitable. Very confused but so far my fish community hasn't failed the rainbows pick on each other occasionally but not with any of the others. The gourami don't appear to be bothered by them either. Comments greatly appreciated!
Hey, I have a 55g tank as well and I have only 2 rainbow sharks in the tank (a huge no no according to most everyone) and they tend to keep to themselves, but the larger of the two does bully the other from time to time. I would suggest that you have plenty of hiding places and planted well so that each can have their own territory. It's worth the try if they are able to live together. Good luck! I hope this kinda helps

Here is a pic of one of mine! :)
Hello everyone I need some advise please, I have a 55gal tank and am wondering if my choice of fish are going to succeed together.

I have:
5 Rainbow Sharks
2 Pink Kissing Gourami
3 Flame Dwarf Gourami
1 Plecostomus

I've read on several occasions that rainbows will not school together but others state that they is possible to school just requires 55+ gallon tank and 6+ rainbows all in similar size to prevent the others from ruling the "runt" out. I've most commonly read that only one is most suitable. Very confused but so far my fish community hasn't failed the rainbows pick on each other occasionally but not with any of the others. The gourami don't appear to be bothered by them either. Comments greatly appreciated!

The Sharks will fight
The Gouramis will fight or at least outgrow your tank.
The Pleco if its a Common will out grow your tank and poop up a storm.

I would try a better stock list
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Kissing Gourami these get big , 12" and may get mean.
Other appropriate sized semi aggressive fish.

10 Tiger Barbs
Or 6 Rainbow Fish ( not aggressive but fast enough to dodge ).
A Bristlenose Pleco or a pair.

As Rainbow Sharks mature you'll see some real squabbles. If not you're lucky. They will usually end up killing each other off. You may end up with one or two survivors. They usually don't bother other fish, just fish that resemble them in body shape and territory.

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