royal pleco help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 2, 2013
Does a royal pleco like driftwood? And do royal plecos poop a lot?
So all that black stringy **** in the tank is poop. So if he poops a lot that means he is wating a lot right because Ive only fed him 1 algae wafer and I dont know if he even ate. So is he must be getting food from the bottom left over from feeding the other fish. I also have live plants each have algae on them so he must be eating a lot right?
So all that black stringy **** in the tank is poop. So if he poops a lot that means he is wating a lot right because Ive only fed him 1 algae wafer and I dont know if he even ate. So is he must be getting food from the bottom left over from feeding the other fish. I also have live plants each have algae on them so he must be eating a lot right?

I couldn't tell ya how much he eats, sorry. But it sounds like he's getting food yes. I feed my tank 3 algae wafers every other day, at night about 2 hours after lights out.
they are bottom feeders that scavenge whatever they can find. sounds like ur fish is eating well with that much poop popping out. have fun with the cleaning
Okay lol I do a 2o% water change every friday and syphon the gravel that should be okay right?
that sounds like a.good plan. also i would add more plants if you can since plants just happen to love poop and serves as a natural recycling center for the chemicals in the tank
Ha I have 3 algae eaters they love to sit under and cling to drift wood, and yes they are monster waste machines escapes orally if u buy bigger ones like sail fin and us h

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