New tank possibly for cherry red shrimp?

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Plants for the vase/jar thing? Lol

Erm I'd do with some Java Ferns if you can find them, maybe some crypts or Anubias nana.

They're all robust plants that can survive most tanks.

The first is java fern, the second is Anubias nana.
Absolutely agree with the Java fern and Anubias. They require little care and no special lighting. I see my bettas rest on the broad leaves of my Anubias after they eat a good meal. It's really cool to see them chill out like that. My bettas also love the mosses. Christmas moss is one of my favorites. For your shrimp tank I'd also try to put some Marimo moss balls if you can find them. My lfs has shrimp tank with bunch of those marimo balls of different sizes and few other plants (all live of course). The shrimp crawl all over those balls and seem to love hanging out on them. Plus it looks really great design wise.
The moss balls are a great source of food for them, being an algae, they can help sustain a fair few shrimp!

Mosses are great at trapping food so the shrimp love to congregate around that too.

With the right stock (good quality and colour) the contrasts between the dark greens and bright reds is a cool sight.
Hey guys my family from america came yesterday so I didn't test the tanks (but I got my prime whee) So gna test them now.

Mangos tank:
Ph: 7.0
Ammo: Less than 0.6
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: Less than 5

Long tank:
Ph: 7.5
Ammo: 0.6
Nitrite: 0.8
Nitrate: Between 20 and 50
Hey guys my family from america came yesterday so I didn't test the tanks (but I got my prime whee) So gna test them now.

Mangos tank:
Ph: 7.0
Ammo: Less than 0.6
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: Less than 5

Long tank:
Ph: 7.5
Ammo: 0.6
Nitrite: 0.8
Nitrate: Between 20 and 50

Prime is awesome! ^_^

Ok those results...

What test kit are you using? Because mine is in 0.25 increments (.25 then .50 then 1.0)

And sometimes the lowest readings are actually 0 but its hard to tell.

I imagine with zero Nitrites in Mangos tank, that its close, if not cycled by now.

And the long tank is almost there.

Just do a water change to get those nitrates back down to 10ppm and test levels again 2moro :)
Prime is awesome! ^_^

Ok those results...

What test kit are you using? Because mine is in 0.25 increments (.25 then .50 then 1.0)

And sometimes the lowest readings are actually 0 but its hard to tell.

I imagine with zero Nitrites in Mangos tank, that its close, if not cycled by now.

And the long tank is almost there.

Just do a water change to get those nitrates back down to 10ppm and test levels again 2moro :)

A water change in both tanks? How much water should i change out? Hm its called the nutrafin test mini master kit.. That one
Left it a bit late (Busy day) But going to do water changes in the long tank and vase tank now (Ready for shrimpys tomorrow) WHEEEE excited! then I'll add new water with prime! I was wondering what is the right temperature for shrimps going to set the tank now? (Sorry if ive asked this already my brain is fried) :p
Ok..... I failed.. completely. I took the water out.. everything fine. Started cleaning the glass, moved the plant a bit.. and they all went everywhere and theyre all destroyed. Took them all out.. the tank water smelled horrible.. took most of it out, replaced it with new, put about half a cap of prime in because i burnt my hand and arm loads on the heater so was pretty pissed off and couldnt be arsed to measure it properly. Ill test the water in the morning if its no good ill prolly be pissed off and write that tank off because that was so hard to sort out. But hopefully if its ok ill just get some moss balls and put them in with the shrimps for now..
The plants went everywhere?

And the water smelled bad? I'm so confused right now :S

Is this the long tank or the vase were taking about here?

The vase tank, the plants all fell apart and theres was just bits of them all over the tank. and the water smelled really mouldy and gross :( I think it might be because i had the water temperature way too high..
Had you changed the water since you filled it up at all?

No... :p But it looked really clean xD Gna do a water test/change now and might move the plant in mangos tank over to the vase one because its grown so much I dont think mango can move XD Looks nice though like a little underwater jungle!
Show me pics :p


Thinking of taking it out, putting it in the vase tank then just putting some moss balls in front. Btw what temperature should my shrimp tank be?


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Jungle tank ^_^

And my shrimp tank is a 27°c

They seem really happy in it :D

Okie! Well Im going to do a water change in a sec (And take the heater out first!!! My arms so burnt D: ) and move the plant over, put fresh water in and a bit of prime.. I don't really know how to measure such a small amount of prime.. shall I just add a tiny drop into the vase tank? Then test the water and post results on here I'll do it with all the tanks actually. Back in a bit!
Okie! Well Im going to do a water change in a sec (And take the heater out first!!! My arms so burnt D: ) and move the plant over, put fresh water in and a bit of prime.. I don't really know how to measure such a small amount of prime.. shall I just add a tiny drop into the vase tank? Then test the water and post results on here I'll do it with all the tanks actually. Back in a bit!

Awwww, you don't wanna burn your arm :p

Add around 1ml of prime, that should be enough.

I'd say wait around 2-3 hours to avoid a false readings :)
Awwww, you don't wanna burn your arm :p

Add around 1ml of prime, that should be enough.

I'd say wait around 2-3 hours to avoid a false readings :)

Mangos tank looks so empty!! But the vase tank is looking better, the plant reaches to the top! :eek: I think once i put a few moss balls in the front the tank should look pretty good :) But Mango is chasing derp around the tank a bit now, he cant hide as easily!

Tank update 3 - YouTube
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