100 gallon stocking

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Cool how aggressive are they, what do you think about my current list
How's this

5 Cory's
10 platys
10 guppies
15 cardinal tetras
1 red tailed shark
2 gouramis
5 cherry barbs

Over stocked?
He is very active! The black ones kind of sit around. They all get along though. My tank is a community 55 gallon and it has not lost a fish for 2 years
Maybe go with 5 rio barbs and 5 guppies instead of 10 guppies. And instead of 15 cardinals go for 5 cardinals and 5 neon tetras.
Don't do all at once though. This will ruin your parameters and kill every thing. Are you doing it as a planted tank?
How about this,

5 Cory's
10 platys
5 guppies
5 cardinal tetras
1 red tailed shark
2 gourami
5 cherry barbs
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