TMRC's Tanks

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Definitely going to take it slow before I commit to anything but at this point I'm thinking of buying two of the quarter sized sevs and going
1 firemouth
2 green severums
1 convict
8-10 schoolers of some sort

I'm not all locked in so we will see if this gets revised. I know its not perfect but at least I'm not cramming an Oscar, jack Dempsey, red devil and a dovi in a 20 high(I might've a few years ago :) )... I'll mull some more and get back to you guys.
Maybe do a gold or a red spot as one of the severums for added color

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I'm interested in the red spots as well as the red shoulder, nice suggestion. I haven't actually looked to purchase the red shoulders though, are they difficult to find? The biggest pro to the green sevs is I can purchase them locally and they fit what I'm looking for. After two years of mbuna I'm dying for some fish that don't want to kill each other.
Red sholders I have never seen the redspots show up at the lfs from time to time.
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've yet to get a picture of the firemouth, he has been extremely shy but is starting to come around. Its about 1 1/4- 1 1/2 inches so still pretty small. Very rewarding already, I've been peaking from around the corner to steal glances at it, he is cautiously eating and behaving normally so all is well at the moment. I'm hoping to get the sevs in the next week.

Stocking question, in a 75 would 3 severums (would be looking at 2 greens and red spotted or rotkeil), 1 meeki, 1 mixteco or ellioti, 1 female con and 1-2 groups of 8 schoolers be feasible or would that be pushing the boundaries? I could always drop to two sevs, 1 firemouth, 1 con, 2 groups of schooling fish if I'm overstocked.
Only thing I would suggest is not mixing the Thorichthys. Do 2 of the same

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Thanks mike. I was hoping a 4 foot tank would allow space for two to have territories, particularly two of the same sex to avoid hybridization if even possible, but if you think it won't work im more than willing to rely on that expertise.
So my cycling SW tank is currently testing
.25 ammonia
0 nitrites
0 nitrates

I really thought I would be further along. Doesn't seem I'm even getting conversion to nitrites since they and nitrates are testing 0.

Meanwhile its weekly water change time. I have an odd day off tomorrow so I'm planning an extra set of water changes on each tank just to reduce nitrates further.
So my cycling SW tank is currently testing
.25 ammonia
0 nitrites
0 nitrates

I really thought I would be further along. Doesn't seem I'm even getting conversion to nitrites since they and nitrates are testing 0.

Meanwhile its weekly water change time. I have an odd day off tomorrow so I'm planning an extra set of water changes on each tank just to reduce nitrates further.

What did you use for an ammonia source?

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I guess decomposing is the same either way

Sent from my SM-G386T using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Finally was patient enough for a few thorichthys shots.

Its colors have been rather drab since introduction, I'm thinking the shyness is a factor here and believe he will be more comfortable with more fish in the tank (hint hint need sevs asap, unfortunately my work schedule makes it nearly impossible to get there, I had to take a day off to acquire this guy).
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