Plant Safety 101

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 13, 2016
Concord, CA
Hello out there. Is there a thread somewhere on what a person should do when they have just purchased/received a shiny new plant?

To make sure it is pest free.
Kill any harmful fungus or bacteria.
Avoid adding new types of algae to their tank.

I have seen various scattered posts on H2O2, potassium permanganate, bleach soaks or salt. But it would be great if we had a sticky that combined everyone's preferences and why along with the specifics and details someone can follow.

I suspect my method of being an overly excited new plant mom and promptly adding it to my tank and crossing my fingers isn't really the best approach.
Idk...I know rinsing them in cool water and planting has worked for me lol
1. I can't say ive ever had a problem
2. Whatever you been doing looks like it works judging by your tanks
3. If algae occurs how do we know it was a paticular plant at fault

I think like fish....dont buy or plant unhealthy plants. Remember always being algae free is an unrealistic goal. Algae has benefits too. I think many of us need to accept non perfection to an extinct.
Idk...I know rinsing them in cool water and planting has worked for me lol
1. I can't say ive ever had a problem
2. Whatever you been doing looks like it works judging by your tanks
3. If algae occurs how do we know it was a paticular plant at fault

I think like fish....dont buy or plant unhealthy plants. Remember always being algae free is an unrealistic goal. Algae has benefits too. I think many of us need to accept non perfection to an extinct.
I've always just rinsed in cool water also. Agree about being obsessed with perfection also, I do a bad job myself I'm never happy...tanks always needing something fixed. Snails, algae, stocking, etc.
Idk...I know rinsing them in cool water and planting has worked for me lol
1. I can't say ive ever had a problem
2. Whatever you been doing looks like it works judging by your tanks
3. If algae occurs how do we know it was a paticular plant at fault

I think like fish....dont buy or plant unhealthy plants. Remember always being algae free is an unrealistic goal. Algae has benefits too. I think many of us need to accept non perfection to an extinct.

I have disposed of the bodies.

Val killed by peroxide
Geez just read 20 to one from a plant vendor lol

My brain wasn't working
What ratio of water to bleach?

I've done bleach dipping at 19 parts water to 1 part bleach on some heavily algae infected HC Cuba.

My opinion on this subject is that if your tank is algae free before the new plants go in u haven't got anything to worry about because the algae on the new plants will just die like it has in the rest of the tank. Once a tank is healthy and balanced algae will die even if introduced into the tank [emoji106]
I've done bleach dipping at 19 parts water to 1 part bleach on some heavily algae infected HC Cuba.

My opinion on this subject is that if your tank is algae free before the new plants go in u haven't got anything to worry about because the algae on the new plants will just die like it has in the rest of the tank. Once a tank is healthy and balanced algae will die even if introduced into the tank [emoji106]
[emoji106] like this answer, don't know myself I have come to not mind snails, but really makes sense on the algae.
I have read that some algae are pretty tough to get rid of. Wouldn't it be better just to avoid adding it and do a little precautionary dip or spray?
Berts point was good. Also consider what percentage of plants are grown emergent.
The instructions that came with my Amazon Sword and Java Fern simply said rinse in cool water and to remove the packing gel from the roots. They are plants in pea gravel.
I ordered from Buceplant and they say to soak in cool water and warm it slowly. Plants can be shocked when going into a warm tank after shipping.
I ordered from Buceplant and they say to soak in cool water and warm it slowly. Plants can be shocked when going into a warm tank after shipping.

Interesting! I never thought about snails lol I've never had any issues with them getting in because I buy from snail free suppliers.

Yea I think I'd rather use cold water rather than bleach. I try not to use bleach on anything to do with my tanks.
So I got some plants free except for shipping recently, and I did a hydrogen peroxide dip because that's what I do. I got distracted and threw them in the quarantine tank. Later, when I came back to them, I took a closer look at the algae to trim off affected leaves. This stuff was strange. I couldn't wipe it off, and the hydrogen peroxide hadn't done a thing to it.

Apparently it was black diatoms. This dude had effectively sold me his diatom problem. I trimmed everything down to rhizomes and soaked them in 3% hydrogen peroxide. The anubias is coming back really nicely.

So I'm glad I, by chance, let those plants sit so I could really look at them. It was nothing intentional but I saved myself a serious headache.

I don't have any vals or crypts because they don't like me, but the swords, Java ferns, anubias, and buce all do just fine with hydrogen peroxide.
I was told by a buddy who has several planted tanks (they're sweet) that he does a 5% solution and dips for 30sec followed by a fresh water dip. That is a 1:20. Repeat if nessessry. Some plants are hardier and can go longer but that's a good starting time.
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