Can I buy a Gold fish?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Can I buy a Gold fish? I have a 40 gallon tank, with Tetras, and i have black eyed cory, fish in my 40 gallon. And if so, how many Gold fish can I buy. I read online that, Gold fish can be with Tetras. not sure how true that is. i also do not want to over crowed my 40 gallon tank. But I want to buy a Gold Fish.
I found this in an article online.
When keeping goldfish and tetras together, it is important to provide plenty of hiding places and open swimming space for both species. Goldfish can be territorial and may become aggressive towards other fish, so it is important to provide plenty of space for them to establish their own territories. Tetras, on the other hand, are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least six individuals.
Iirc goldfish are just sloppy and fairly large bioloads on a tank. Imo id avoid this if I were you. 40g may seem like a lot but it fills up quite quickly
I will forget it

Goldfish and Tetras are a bad mix. Forget this idea.

I will forget this idea. I have another question. I have black Neon's and they keep dying. My tank water is really good. I read they are bullet proof but they keep dying. Is there something I am doing wrong? Water quality is great.
I will for get this idea

Iirc goldfish are just sloppy and fairly large bioloads on a tank. Imo id avoid this if I were you. 40g may seem like a lot but it fills up quite quickly

I will for get this idea. I wish I had room for another tank, but I do not at the moment. If I could find room, how big should the new tank be, like 10 to 20 gallon?
Thanks for the link

1 fancy goldfish needs 20 gallons minimum. A comet type goldfish needs 30 gallons minimum.

Take a look at this thread that demonstrates quite nicely how big these fish get and why they need big tanks. They really belong in ponds.

Thanks for the link, that was very helpful. Is this fish fancy fish?|ampid:PLX_CLK|clp:4429486
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