Is 50 Lbs of LR enough to start with

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Yeah.... i was just looking and I like the Tonga and Fiji "Branch" rock... but it's like $300 for 50#'s ... wow! Where are some of the cheapest sites to buy live rock?
Yeah.... i was just looking and I like the Tonga and Fiji "Branch" rock... but it's like $300 for 50#'s ... wow! Where are some of the cheapest sites to buy live rock?

So we meet again, I have the same problem, I can't believe how expensive stinkin rocks are :lach:LOL, I never thought in all my life I would have to shell out so much money for rocks. Don't forget about the joint venture.
Lr can get quite expensive. I have 200 lbs at 8.99 a lb. You do the math. As mentioned above DIY and BR are great ways to build a cheaper rock base.
I think more people should go the route of DIY rock not only to save on cost, but to save the wild reefs and to give themselves the time to read up on all the aspects of keeping and maintaining a reef AQ.
Thanks guys, one point I need to make and that is "Safety". Use gloves, cement is hard on the hands of adults, worse on children. Please supervise your children.
Thanks guys, one point I need to make and that is "Safety". Use gloves, cement is hard on the hands of adults, worse on children. Please supervise your children.
You're absolutely right thincat "SAFETY FIRST" If i do find the time I'll be doing it solo. I've mixed plenty of cement and have gotten burns on my hands even when wearing gloves
Thanks all.... I may try the DIY base later down the road but not ready at this time. So I can't really find anything "nice" in base rock... is base rock all just plain old boring rock adn then you still have to buy the nice stuff for on top of it?

Can you get base rock in "branch" style? Any sites you all recommend to purchase base?
IMO good decision.

$2.40/lb $15 shipped ; ignore the pre-cycled... you'll need to cycle it to some extent when you get it anyway. Still....2.40.....

50 Pound box Key Largo Rock, <br>Now Pre Cycled - DS-50
Thanks for the link Captain, I ordered 50lbs of the Key Largo Dry rock for $137 then another 50lbs of Premium Fiji LR @ International Marine Fish for another $197. I don't think it's that bad considering the dry rock is going for $6.00 per lb and the LR not even Fiji is going for $9.50 per lb in my area.
What do i have to do to the rock before putting it in the tank?
I ordered

Thanks for the link Captain, I ordered 50lbs of the Key Largo Dry rock for $137 then another 50lbs of Premium Fiji LR @ International Marine Fish for another $197. I don't think it's that bad considering the dry rock is going for $6.00 per lb and the LR not even Fiji is going for $9.50 per lb in my area.
What do i have to do to the rock before putting it in the tank?

Captian - yes, thank you! I also ordered 50lb's for the key largo dry.
I should be working on commission !

Since the thread has taken so many twists and turns I don't remember if your tank is up and running or not. If it is you need to cure it outside the tank (tub with salt water, hear, powerhead). If it isn't then you can cure it in the tank or outside.

Same as anything else... test the water.. wait for the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate cycle to finish. If in doubt, dose with an ammonia source and test to see that 0''s out.
I should be working on commission !

Since the thread has taken so many twists and turns I don't remember if your tank is up and running or not. If it is you need to cure it outside the tank (tub with salt water, hear, powerhead). If it isn't then you can cure it in the tank or outside.

Same as anything else... test the water.. wait for the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate cycle to finish. If in doubt, dose with an ammonia source and test to see that 0''s out.
My tank is empty now but will be ready for the rock arrival. One other thing, how often will i have to do water changes since I'm starting up all at once with no fish? I cycled my 44 gallon with cichlids and boy was that tough stuff, I was doing 2 changes a day anywhere from 30 to 50 percent to keep the nitrites under control. I'll never cycle with fish again, lesson learned.
no changes till the cycle is complete.. Unless the ammonia gets real high (~> 6ppm). The joys of fishless cycling !
My tank is empty and will be for about another 30 days....... Hey, does LR need light?... reason I ask is I still have to purchase my flourescents but was goign to fill the tank, add LR and let it "cycle" while I wait for the lights.... will this be a problem?
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