Recent content by crazyfishlady

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    Sexing Albino Corydoras [pictures & questions]

    Would I be correct in assuming this is a female? And that this is the dominant male? Presumably the female on left and dominant male on right. Correct me if I'm wrong but, I believe these are both males with the dominant male on the left. Male in front, dominant male in middle, and female in...
  2. C

    Freshwater Salt

    From what I always understood I thought mollies were a brackish water fish. Now that I'm doing more research I'm not so sure. I have balloon mollies and velvet swordstails along w/ a few other fish in my planted 46G. I only add a little bit of aquarium salt after water changes. If you're...
  3. C

    28 JBJ Nano Cube vs. 29 Oceanic BioCube

    Well, the tank wasn't actually leaking outside of the cube. It was just leaking between the baffle that seperates the filtration system from the rest of the tank. Meaning the filter wasn't as effective because there was water entering the compartment from the other end.
  4. C

    28 JBJ Nano Cube vs. 29 Oceanic BioCube

    Here's my story on the 29G Oceanic Biocube: If your thinking about an Oceanic Biocube(look here((pictures)) - I would have posted it on this forum but, it wouldn't allow all the pictures.:(
  5. C

    Corals From Ziggy

    Can I see some pictures?
  6. C

    Plant pack

    I will take one of everything please.
  7. C

    New Coral

    What is that? A 29G biocube?
  8. C

    how to rise PH

    Well, crushed coral can increase the pH but I'm not sure you want to do that. Did you test the water in your tank after you added the RO water? Even when I have added the RO water to my tanks the pH had stabalized in the tank and the RO water didn't have much affect on it.
  9. C

    DIY Coconut cave!

    Hmmmm...a coconut, never thought about that and I need some caves....One quick question. Will the coconut float in the fish tank? If so, what must you do to make sure it stays on the bottom?
  10. C

    Some Very Depressing News

    Local Reptile Show, you say? I'll have to look into that. Thank you.:)
  11. C

    Some Very Depressing News

    My favorite freshwater creature faces EXTINCTION! No wonder I can't find these things in the pet shops anymore....:( I want a pair soooooo bad! Now they're so expensive. Here's the site w/ the info: Mexico City's 'water monster' nears extinction (AP) | Yahoo! Green Here's some pics of my old ones:
  12. C

    Starbuck ~ my first male betta

    I'm surprised they had such a nice looking betta at Petsmart. Usually when I see them they look almost half dead.
  13. C

    Red Grape Macro Algae

    I would like some. How much are you charging?
  14. C

    Looking for gobies pictures

    Is that a toadstool? That's awesome, how old is it?
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