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  1. K

    Opal Asian Freshwater Clam?

    Hello all, As I was in the process of placing a fish order online I ran across an "Opal Asian Freshwater Clam" in the invertebrate section. Does anyone have any experience with this species? I tried to find out more information about this clam on Google, but I could not find ANYTHING (even...
  2. K

    Need help identifying these Cichlids and their compatibility/care.

    I am in the process of starting up my very first Cichlid-only tank. Right now I am in the planning stage. Before setting up a new tank I like to first create a spreadsheet to plan my stock, plants, equipment, decor, etc. so I can ensure that I am not over stocking, all of the inhabitants are...
  3. K

    Help with "API Liquid Super Ich Cure"

    Hello everyone! Yesterday I noticed my Gold Leopard Gourami acting very strangely. He was darting around the aquarium, "rocking" back and forth", and appeared to be rubbing his fins into the glass. I could not for the life of me figure it out. He did not appear to have anything physically wrong...
  4. K

    Is this Ich? What do I do? (With Pictures)

    Yesterday I posted a thread in regards to my Gourami. He was acting very unusually by darting around the tank, appearing to be "rocking" back and forth, ocassionally rubbing his fins against the glass, and just looking generally agitated. It seems as though he's stressing out all of the other...
  5. K

    Help! Something's wrong with my Gourami! (Video Inside)

    This morning everyone and everything in the tank was A-OK, nothing at all out of the ordinary. I went about my normal routine, 5ml of Seachem Excel and a pinch of flakes for breakfast. The ONLY thing I did differently out of my normal routine was add about 5ml of Seachem Prime. I did this...
  6. K

    My first Cichlid tank (Need stocking help!)

    Hello! As the title suggests, I am in the process of purchasing a new tank and will be setting it up in my office. I currently have in operation a 46g community and a 27g brackish Puffer tank. I have never owned a Cichlid tank in all of my years of fish keeping. This will be my first. I have...
  7. K

    Setting up a Green Spotted Puffer Tank (Advice!)

    Greetings! Today I purchased a 27 gallon cube aquarium and stand from my LFS. It was on sale for such an amazing price I just couldn't give it up. I already have a 46g community tank and am in the process of setting up a 55-70g Cichlid community so I didn't know right off the bat what I was...
  8. K

    Would a Jellybean/Blood/Parrot Cichlid be compatible in my tank?

    Greetings! My LFS has just got a shipment of BEAUTIFUL juvenile Parrot Cichlids. They are a bright almost neon pink (not dyed). I have been eyeing them for awhile at other stores, but just haven't had the courage to purchase one for fear it will bully my other fish in my community tank. I have...
  9. K

    Wanting to buy a Flowerhorn (Help!)

    Hello everyone! As the title suggests, I am interested in starting a Flowerhorn tank in my office. I was going to setup a reef tank, but decided that for my office freshwater would probably be best. There were a few questions I had that I could not find a straight answer to on the internet...
  10. K

    Boesemani Rainbow + Diamond Tetra = Sworn Enemies?!

    Hello again, It seems that two of my tank's inhabitants can't seem to get along. To the best of my knowledge, I thought these two were relatively peaceful fish. Hence why I added them to my community aquarium. The rainbow RELENTLESSLY chases the tetra all over the tank. It doesn't appear that...
  11. K

    Is a UV sterilizer right for me?

    Hello everyone! I have a 46 gallon "mildly" planted aquarium. I have about 8 seperate plants which are 6 different species. My bioload is a little on the heavy side but not over populated by ANY stretch of the imagination. Less than a week ago my nitrites spiked through the roof. My API...
  12. K

    Help! Nitrite emergency!

    Hello all! I wish my first post on this forum was with better news :( but in a nutshell I have a 46 gallon freshwater planted tank. The tank was established and was doing AMAZING. It had been running for about 6 weeks. I cycled the tank with a few "starter fish" that I have had for years that...
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