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    Floater Frenzy! Amazon Frogbit, Water Lettuce, Red Floaters [HEAD-TO-HEAD]

    I have or have kept basically every floating plant in my aquariums, even though means for ponds and natural sunlight, and read hundreds of blogs and articles over the years...but I'm still not sure what the basic, practical differences are between the 3 primary home hobbyist floating plants...
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    BADLY Injured Ottocinclus: Please help w/ health and healing

    An Ottocinclus got stuck in my bonsai tree yesterday, he was injured trying to escape and now has a swollen gill and a shredded causal (rear) fin... Is there ANYTHING I can do to help his recovery or pain (either to avoid death or greatly ease his suffering)? DETAILS: The Otto did survive...
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    Severe Persistent Algae Blooms -- ANY ADVICE?

    Hi, both of my dedicated neocaridina dwarf shrimp aquariums (but NONE of my many others) have longstanding issues with algae, detritus worms, hydra... The bizarre part is: (1) I'm not overfeeding, and (2) I adjusted my light timers nearly 2 months ago to be 100% sure neither of those typical 2...
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    What is this mystery bug/insect I found coming from my aquarium? (pics)

    Can anyone identify this weird bug that was coming from my puffer aquarium? If you want to watch a short HD video I took with my phone, click the link below as well:
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    HELP: Removing Planaria in Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina) aquarium

    HELP: Removing Planaria + Hydra in Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina) aquarium This week, from no seemingly nowhere (no new additions in MONTHS of any organisms or plants etc.) I discovered Planaria and Hydra in my neocaridina red cherry shrimp tank. The colony has recently been doing AMAZING...
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    Using "Thorvin" (Organic Seaweed Extract Potash) in Aquarium?

    Hi, in the unlikely event anyone has heard of or used Thorvin, please let me know your insight and on and dosing recommendations for it. For everyone else, based on the nutrient profile and composition of the Thorvin product I received a sample of, does this seem safe, since basically it's a...
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    Sick fish - TB, parasite, bacteria? DIAGNOSIS (pics included)

    The fish of a friend of mine fell sick last week. I visited to personally inspect, and believe it to be Gram-positive mycobacteria (Mycobacterium marinum or M. fortuitum) which is basically fish tuberculosis (TB) or piscine tuberculosis. While it seems as though that's the diagnosis, what does...
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    Leopard (Green Spotted) or Congo Puffers *with* Dwarf Pea Puffers (same aquarium)?

    Hi, as the title says I'm wonder about the possible options concerning the co-habitation of either Leopard (Green Spotted) or Congo Spotted Puffers *with* Dwarf Pea Puffers in same aquarium? Of course with water parameters, tank size, etc. all being ideal and cared for closely... Has anyone...
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    Expired Northfin Kelp Wafers -- OK to use, or was I misled?

    I bought a bag of Northfin's Kelp Wafers where the store owner assured me even though "March 2020" was printed on the bag as the expiry, they were "still good." That didn't make sense to me, since those dates are on there for a reason from Northfin -- and while it may not be a perfect parallel...
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    New Aqueon Lighting Fixtures Just Arrived -- PLEASE HELP!

    I just unboxed my 3 new Aqueon aquarium LED bar LED lights (1ea - ColorMax, BeautyMax, White/Day) all 30'', for my 40g Top-Fin brand bow front...and none came with wall-plugs or cords/adapters to work (just the light bar). How can I get them to turn on and plugin? It seems (now that I have...
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    Properly using: Alder Cones, Tourmaline Mineral Balls, & Indian Almond Catappa Leaves

    Properly using: Alder Cones, Tourmaline Mineral Balls, & Indian Almond Catappa Leaves Alder Cones, Tourmaline Mineral Balls, Indiana Almond Catappa Leaves in Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp, Aquatic Crabs, and Crayfish, CPO, and Mini-Lobster Tank Setups NOTE: I searched prior to this post and saw...
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    URGENT - Clarifying water after substrate dump (mud/cloud)

    Hi everyone, seconds ago I added Carib Sea Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium Substrate to my reverse osmosis new aquarium, and the water is now zero-visibility from crystal clear... URGENT -- URGENT -- URGENT I have pea puffers CURRENTLY in their bag from the store, and need a FAST solution(s) on...
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    Ready to make a switch: TANK FERTILIZER

    Hi everyone, as is often the case, since the beginning I've been using what was originally suggested to me back when I got involved in the hobby, at a pet store I went to. I've never veered away from using Seachem's Flourish / Excel series of products, but lately, I've been wondering if there's...
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    Aquarium addict here, couple quick questions please :)

    I just realized 'aquarium addict' would've been a cool forum name... but I'm sure someone already has it. I'm happy to be here, and share with others in my/our love for this peaceful joyful hobby! I know this is a broad first post, but feel free to reply to just one (or all 3), as you're able...
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